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disturbanceCET4/CET6/考研/TOEFL/IELTS - 英?[d??st??b?ns]
- 美?[d??st??rb?ns]
实用场景例句emotional disturbance 情绪失常 牛津词典 He was charged with causing a disturbance after the game. 他被指控在比赛结束后制造骚乱。 牛津词典 serious disturbances in the streets 街上的严重骚乱 牛津词典 the disturbance of the local wildlife by tourists 游客对当地野生动物的滋扰 牛津词典 a disturbance in the usual pattern of events 对平常事情发展状况的干扰 牛津词典 The building work is creating constant noise, dust and disturbance. 建筑施工不断制造噪音、灰尘和干扰。 牛津词典 The animals are very sensitive to disturbance and have never bred in captivity. 这些动物对外界的干扰很敏感,且从未被圈养过。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Poor educational performance is related to emotional disturbance. 糟糕的学习成绩与情绪失常有关。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 ...the treatment of certain heart rhythm disturbances. 某种心律失常的治疗方法 柯林斯高阶英语词典 During the disturbance which followed, three Englishmen were hurt. 在接下来的骚乱中,3名英国人受伤。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 ...the worst of last September'sdisturbances. 去年9月最严重的骚乱 柯林斯高阶英语词典 The home would cause less disturbance to local residents than a school... 养老院对当地居民造成的干扰会比学校小。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 It is a disturbance of social tranquility. 这是对社会安宁的扰乱. 期刊摘选 We can not only acquire good dynamic response, but also make noise and disturbance minimum. 设计出的自适应逆控制系统,不仅可以得到好的动态响应, 还可以使噪声和扰动减小到最小. 期刊摘选 Weak as it is, the disturbance in the wind field is discernible. 该风场的扰动虽然很弱, 但是还是可以看得出来. 期刊摘选 The drunken man was run in for creating a public disturbance. 那个醉汉因扰乱公共秩序而被拘留. 期刊摘选 The constructed by the controller has fast response, small over rate and strong resisting disturbance etc. 使该控制系统不但具有响应快 、 超调小,而且具有鲁棒性强等特点. 期刊摘选 Histiocytosis associated with disturbance of cholesterol metabolism, occurs chiefly in young children. 与胆固醇代谢障碍有关的组织细胞增多症, 通常发生在年轻人身上. 期刊摘选 I can have two whole days every week to crawl on the checkers without disturbance. 一个礼拜可以有两天时间在家踏踏实实地爬格子. 期刊摘选 Objective It is to observe the regulation action of Hewei decoction on gastrointestinal motility disturbance. 目的观察和胃汤对胃肠运动障碍的调节作用. 期刊摘选 This disturbance would have occurred sooner or later. 这场风波迟早要来. 期刊摘选 The guy was a drunk and a disturbance. 那家伙是个令人讨厌的醉鬼. 期刊摘选 The disturbance of function, equilibrium, or mental faculties caused by such a blow; violent agitation. 震扰:由这种打击或强烈的震动引起的机能, 平衡或精神 官能 的混乱. 期刊摘选 The result of simulation based on real geomagnetic disturbance data indicates that the method is effective. 依据实测的地磁场扰动信号做的仿真试验表明该方法是有效的. 期刊摘选 The disturbance clearly occupies all of space. 显然,扰动充满整个空间. 辞典例句 He is suffering an emotional disturbance. 他的情绪受到了困扰. 《简明英汉词典》 CONCLUSIONThe DNA impairment and disturbance of repairment may occur in chronic alcoholism patients. 慢性酒精中毒患者体内出现DNA损伤及修复功能障碍. 期刊摘选 真题例句Physical symptoms listed include dry eyes, backaches, skipping meals, poor personal hygiene (卫生) and sleep disturbances. 出自-2010年6月阅读原文 英英释义Noun1. activity that is an intrusion or interruption;"he looked around for the source of the disturbance" "there was a disturbance of neural function" 2. an unhappy and worried mental state;"there was too much anger and disturbance" "she didn't realize the upset she caused me" 3. a disorderly outburst or tumult;"they were amazed by the furious disturbance they had caused" 4. a noisy fight5. the act of disturbing something or someone; setting something in motion6. (psychiatry) a psychological disorder of thought or emotion; a more neutral term than mental illness7. electrical or acoustic activity that can disturb communication
词根词缀词根: turb =stir,表示"搅动,混乱" adj.perturbative 扰乱性的perturb[n.烦乱,扰乱]+ative……的→adj.扰乱性的 turbid 混浊的,紊乱的turb搅动,混乱+id表形容词→搅动的→混浊的 turbulent 狂暴的,无秩序的turb搅动,混乱+ulent多……的→adj.狂暴的,无秩序的 imperturbable 冷静的,沉着的im不+perturb[n.烦乱,扰乱]+able……的→不受扰乱[影响] n.disturbance 动乱,骚乱,干扰disturb[v.扰乱,妨碍,使不安]+ance表名词→n.动乱,骚乱,干扰 perturbation 动摇, 混乱perturb[n.烦乱,扰乱]+ation表名词→n.动摇, 混乱 perturb 烦乱,扰乱per贯穿+turb搅→直搅乱→扰乱 turbulence 骚动;强烈而不稳定的气流/水流turb搅动,混乱+ul+ence表名词→骚动 turbine 汽轮机,涡轮机turb搅动,混乱+ine物,机器等→n.汽轮机,涡轮机 turmoil 混乱,骚乱tur=turb搅动,混乱+moil翻腾→搅动,翻腾→混乱 v.disturb 扰乱,妨碍,使不安dis分开+turb搅动,混乱→搅开了→搅乱了
后缀: -ance 表名词"物品,性质,状况" n.acceptance 接受,承诺,容忍,赞同,相信accept接受,承诺+ance物品,性质,状况→n.接受,承诺,容忍,赞同,相信 allowance 津贴,补助,宽容,允许 allow允许+ance物品,性质,状况→宽容→津贴,补助 appearance 出现,露面;外表;[在会议等]作短暂露面appear出现+ance物品,性质,状况→n.出现,露面;外表;[在会议等]作短暂露面 appliance 用具,器具apply应用+ance物品,性质,状况→appliance用具,器具 assistance 协助,援助,补助assist援助,帮助+ance物品,性质,状况→n.协助,援助,补助 balance 天平 bal+ance物品,性质,状况→n.天平 n.&v.秤,平衡 disturbance 动乱,骚乱,干扰disturb扰乱,防碍+ance物品,性质,状况→n.动乱,骚乱,干扰 forbearance 自制,忍耐forbear忍受+ance物品,性质,状况→n.自制,忍耐 guidance 指导,领导guide指导+ance物品,性质,状况→n.指导,领导 ignorance 无知,愚昧;不知ignore不理,不顾,忽视+ance物品,性质,状况→ignorance无知,愚昧 perseverance 坚持persevere坚持+ance物品,性质,状况→n.坚持 reliance 信任,信心,依靠,依靠的人或物reli=rely依靠+ance物品,性质,状况→n.信任,信心,依靠,依靠的人或物 resemblance 相似,相似性[点,物]resemble[v.像,类似]+ance物品,性质,状况→n.相似,相似性[点,物] vengeance 报复,报仇,复仇venge惩罚+ance物品,性质,状况→n.报复,报仇,复仇 n.&v.balance 秤,平衡bal+ance物品,性质,状况→n.天平 n.&v.秤,平衡 v.allowance 定量供应allow允许+ance物品,性质,状况→宽容→津贴,补助
同义词辨析confusion, disorder, disturbance, mess, chaos这些名词均表示事物的"混乱"状态。 confusion: 指东西搅混在一起,凌乱得难以辨认;也可指思想混乱,以致无法进行正常的思维活动。disorder: 正式用词,含义广泛。指事物因失去原有的秩序而造成混乱;也可指社会中的动乱或骚乱。disturbance: 主要指社会中政治性的动乱、骚乱;也可指个人或少数人的闹事。mess: 语气强,口语中较常用的非正式用词。指既混乱又肮脏,尤指人思想混乱或外表不整洁。chaos: 着重指令人无能为力或感到绝望的混乱状态。突出没有很好的组织。
同义词inquietudeanduneasinesssixesflutterupsetrestlessnessperturbationsevensbewildermentconfusionperplexity disruptioninterruptionderangementdisarrangementdisordermisarrangement 其他释义outbreakrumpussensationrampageflurry n.侵犯turmoilfuroreunrestseditionriotturbulenceupheavalinsurrectiontumultcommotion n.打扰agitationperturbationinterferenceannoyancenuisanceinconveniencevexation n.骚动,动乱brouhahabroilhubbubcommotionfracasuproar 行业词典体育破坏???干扰???障碍???失调??? 力学扰动???又称 :扰动(perturbation)??? 医学障碍,失调:离开或背离正常情况??? 法律动乱??? 生态学干扰???在不同空间和时间尺度上偶然发生的,不可预知的自然事件。它直接影响着生态系统的演变过程并具有破坏性。??? 电工扰动??? 自动化扰动??? 航天扰动??? 药学障碍???又称 :障碍(disorder)??? 铁道干扰???又称 :干扰(interference)???