释义 |
digressionGRE/TOEFL - 英?[da?'ɡre?n]
- 美?[da?'ɡre?n]
词态变化- 复数:?digressions;
- 动词:?digress;
实用场景例句The audience cried the speaker down as soon as he started on a third digression. 当发言人第三次扯到题外去时听众发出喊声,使他讲不下去. 《简明英汉词典》 All this is a digression,'he added in a different tone. 不过这都是题外话. ” 他又换了口气说. 英汉文学 Now let's return from this digression to our subject. 现在咱们言归正传。 辞典例句 After this digression we return now to our original problem. 在这一段插话以后,现在回到原来的问题. 辞典例句 At this moment, thoughts of Celia were a digression. 此时此刻关于西莉亚的念头让人走神. 辞典例句 By my rambling digression , I perceive myself to be grown old. 这么漫笔杂谈, 我自觉有种年老之感. 辞典例句 All this is a digression. 这都是题外话. 辞典例句 Try to sort out the basic principles from what is simply illustrative detail and digression. 试着从那些繁琐的、枝节的论述中把基本原理摘出来. 辞典例句 The following paragraphs are a necessary digression to define and illustrate several important vector operations. 下面有必要先离题来确定和说明一些重要的矢量运算. 辞典例句 This digression added to the liveliness of her talk. 这一段插话使她的报告生动多了. 互联网 A diversion or deviation from a main topic a digression. 插话,插曲,穿插与讨论的主题无关的看法;离题话. 互联网 The wreck was caused by the digression of the two ships. 这次遇难事件是由两只轮船的脱离航道引起的. 互联网 Please leave the digression, and get down to the business matter. 请不要把话题再扯远了,还是谈正事吧. 互联网 All right, enough digression. 好吧, 题外话说得够多了. 互联网 Digression 13 : With what nature are we raised? 话题 13: 我们带着怎样的本性复活? 互联网 英英释义Noun1. a message that departs from the main subject2. a turning aside (of your course or attention or concern);"a diversion from the main highway" "a digression into irrelevant details" "a deflection from his goal" 3. wandering from the main path of a journey
词根词缀词根: gress =go/walk,表示"行走,步" adj.aggressive 侵略的,好斗的,有进取心的,敢作敢为的aggress[v.侵略,进攻]+ive……的→adj.侵略的,好斗的,有进取心的,敢作敢为的 progressive 进步的,先进的;前进的progress[n.进步]+ive……的→adj.进步的,先进的;前进的 n.aggression 侵略,进攻ag再+gress走+ion表名词→一再往前走→进攻 congress [代表]大会;[美国等国的]国会,议会con一起+gress行走,步→走到一起→代表大会 degree 程度,度数;学位de分开+gree=gress行走,步→分开走→级别→程度,度数 digression 离题, 脱轨, 扯到枝节上digress[v.离题]+ion表名词→n.离题, 脱轨, 扯到枝节上 egress 出去,出口e出+gress行走,步→走出→出口 ingress 进入,入口in进+gress行走,步→走进 progress 进步pro向前+gress走→向前走 transgression 违反, 犯罪, [地]海侵, 海进transgress[v.冒犯;违背]+ion表名词→n.违反, 犯罪, [地]海侵, 海进 v.aggress 侵略,进攻ag再+gress走→一再往前走→进攻 digress 离题di离开,偏离+gress走→走开→离题 retrogress 倒退,退化retro向后+gress走→向后走 transgress 冒犯;违背trans横+gress走→横着走→冒犯