The rate of polymerization is proportional to 1.62 power of [ AN ] and 0.62 power of [ DMT ] .
聚合速度与AN浓度 的1.62次方、DMT浓度的 0.62 次方成正比.
The photopolymerization of aerylamide ( AM ) initiated with N, N - dimethyltoluidine ( DMT ) has been studied.
研究了N, N - 二甲基对甲苯胺 ( DMT ) 为引发剂时丙烯酰胺 ( AM ) 的光聚合.
The main products of PET supercritical methanolysis are dimethyl terephthalate ( DMT ) and ethylene glycol ( EG ).
红外光谱检测解聚产物是纯度很高的对苯二甲酸二甲酯 ( DMT ) 单体和乙二醇.
The error correcting and decoding, interleave and and DMT modulation and demodulation are analyzed in detail.
分析了信道编译码方法 、 交织与解交织及DMT调制 与解调等关键技术.
Dimethyltrilobine iodide ( DMT ) 1.5 M - M increased the contractile force of isolated guinea pig left atria.
碘化二甲基木防己碱 ( DMT ) 1.5μM可增加离体豚鼠左房肌的收缩力.
The optimal temperatures of boll growth were 24.7 of daily mean temperature ( DMT ) and 13.7? DTD .
适宜于棉铃发育的最适日均温为 24.7 ℃,最适日温差13.7℃.