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diminishCET6/考研/TOEFL/IELTS 词态变化- 第三人称单数:?diminishes;
- 过去式:?diminished;
- 过去分词:?diminished;
- 现在分词:?diminishing;
实用场景例句The world's resources are rapidly diminishing. 世界资源正在迅速减少。 牛津词典 His influence has diminished with time. 随着时间的推移,他的影响已不如从前了。 牛津词典 Our efforts were producing diminishing returns (= we achieved less although we spent more time or money) . 我们不断投入,收益却在递减。 牛津词典 I don't wish to diminish the importance of their contribution. 我并不想贬低他们所作贡献的重要性。 牛津词典 The threat of nuclear war has diminished... 核战争的威胁已经减小了。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Federalism is intended to diminish the power of the central state... 联邦制旨在削弱中央政府的权力。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 He never put her down or diminished her... 他从未奚落或贬低过她。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 He could no longer cope; he relied on me, and felt diminished by it. 他再也无法承受,他依赖我,却因此觉得是受了轻贱。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 An occasional outburst didn't diminish my respect for her. 偶尔的一次发火并未减少我对她的尊敬. 期刊摘选 As you get older, your skills diminish and the guys catch up with you. 当你年龄增长, 技艺消退,其他人渐渐赶上. 期刊摘选 This algorithm is based on mask blind detection, which can diminish superfluous transmitted information. 本文提出的是一种基于掩码盲检测的算法,大大减少了所需要传输的额外信息. 期刊摘选 Such collections of amyloid add to renal bulk, but diminish renal function. 淀粉样物质沉积使肾脏体积增大, 但功能下降. 期刊摘选 When fighting corruption, it is more useful to try to diminish it rather than eradicate it. 在反腐败斗争中, 努力减少腐败比根除腐败更有效. 期刊摘选 Will such differences between cultures persist and grow larger, or will they diminish over time? 这些不同文化中的差异是会继续存在并分歧越来越大, 还是会逐渐消失? 期刊摘选 We should try to diminish the cost of production. 我们应尽力减少生产成本. 《简明英汉词典》 Encounters of like charges act to diminish the coagulation rate. 同性带电粒子间的碰撞作用减少凝聚率. 辞典例句 And finally, the ways to diminish defects and increase laser damage thresholds are also discussed. 在此基础上, 分析了缺陷对激光损伤阈值的影响以及激光预处理对缺陷的影响. 期刊摘选 And then, I will quietly diminish in the crowd. 然后, 我也安静地消失在人群当中. 期刊摘选 Those forces cause the objects to rise and thus diminish both surface and frontal resistance. 这些力使物体产生浮力并使触水表面积和前沿阻力减小. 期刊摘选 Tough economic conditions and the spiraling cost of living have helped diminish appeal of male children. 困难的经济状况以及不断攀升的生活成本也是人们生男孩意愿下降的因素. 期刊摘选 But the cessation of his hostility for Pen did not diminish Huxter's attentions to Fanny. 但是对小潘的仇视的消释,并没有减少赫克斯特对芬妮的关心. 辞典例句 You will see the struggles diminish quickly. 你会看到挣扎奋斗迅速减少. 期刊摘选 Higher porosity and pore size result in greater bone ingrowth but diminish mechanical properties. 材料的孔隙结构对骨长入有关键性的影响. 期刊摘选 The value of the US dollar will continue to diminish, along with Americans's fiscal freedom. 美元将随着美国财经自由的日益缩小而继续贬值. 辞典例句 This is not to diminish the central bank, but it fulfils a largely technocratic function. 我不是在贬低中国央行, 但它在很大程度上扮演的是一种技术专家的角色. 期刊摘选 Diminish inflammation. Resume from flu or quinsy. Release and calm down. 消炎、镇痉,帮助恢复喉咙感染,流感,气喘,扁桃腺炎. 镇静,使人精神清醒与放松. 期刊摘选 真题例句In sum:generous family-friendly policies do keep more women in the labor market,but they also tend to diminish their careers. 出自-2014年6月阅读原文 Cell phones also can diminish social tolerance because they reduce children's interactions with others who are different from them. 出自-2013年12月阅读原文 Government now supports the elderly, diminishing the need for children. 出自-2013年12月阅读原文 If left to themselves, such trends will diminish the relative strength of the English language in international education markets as the demand for educational resources in languages, such as Spanish ,Arabic or Mandarin grows and international business process outsourcing in other language such as Japanese, French and German, spreads. 出自-2017年考研翻译原文 Complex international, economic, technological and culture change could start to diminish the leading position of English as the language of the world market, and UK interests which enjoy advantage from the breath of English usage would consequently face new pressures. 出自-2017年考研翻译原文 In zones of increased turbulence, the planes' wakes will decay more quickly and the effect will diminish. 2010年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ 英英释义Verb1. decrease in size, extent, or range;"The amount of homework decreased towards the end of the semester" "The cabin pressure fell dramatically" "her weight fall to under a hundred pounds" "his voice fell to a whisper" 2. lessen the authority, dignity, or reputation of;"don't belittle your colleagues"
词根词缀词根: mini =small,表示"小" adj.administrative 管理的,行政的administer[[v.施行,实施;掌管,料理……的事务;给予]]男→adj.管理的,行政的 n.ministry [政府的]部门minister部长+y表名词,加在形容词或r结尾的单词后→ministry部门 administration 管理, 经营, 行政部门administer[[v.施行,实施;掌管,料理……的事务;给予]]→n.管理, 经营, 行政部门 miniature 小画象,缩影mini小+ature表名词→小物品→小画象 minim 极小之物;半音符mini小+m→n.极小之物;半音符 minister 部长,大臣mini小+ster人→小人→古代大臣称呼自己"小人"→部长,大臣 v.administer 施行,实施;掌管,料理……的事务;给予ad+minister[n.部长,大臣]→做部长→管理 minimize 使减少到最少,使降到最低minim[n.极小之物;半音符]+ize表动词→减少到最少 diminish 减少;消失di分开+mini小+ish表动词→变小,减少
前缀: di- 1. =two, double 表示"两个,双"; 2. 表示"使…变成,分开,离开" adj.dicephalous 有两个头的, 双头的di两个,双+cephal头+ous……的→双头的 dichromatic 两色的di两个,双+chrom颜色+atic表形容词→两色的 n.digamist 再婚者di两个,双+gam婚姻+ist人→二婚者 dilemma 进退两难di两个,双+lemma论点,争论→二种争论→进退两难 dioxide 二氧化物di两个,双+oxide氧化物→二氧化物 dilapidate 倒塌 di使…变成,分开,离开+lapid石头+ate表动词→[造房子的]石头分开→倒塌 n.&v.digest 消化;文摘di使…变成,分开,离开+gest带→分开带,只带营养→消化→经过消化后的精华→文摘 v.dichotomize 分成二,对分dicho=di两个,双+tom切割+ize表动词→切成二分 diverge 分岔;分歧di两个,双+verge=vers转→两个转弯的地方→分岔;分歧 digress 离题di使…变成,分开,离开+gress走→走开→离题 dilapidate 使[局部]毁坏,[部分]损坏di使…变成,分开,离开+lapid石头+ate表动词→[造房子的]石头分开→倒塌 dilate 膨胀,扩大di使…变成,分开,离开+late放→分开放→扩大 dilute 冲淡,稀释di使…变成,分开,离开+lut冲洗+e→冲洗开→冲淡 diminish 减少;消失di使…变成,分开,离开+mini小+ish表动词→变小,减少 divide 分开di使…变成,分开,离开+vid分开+e→分开 divorce 离婚di使…变成,分开,离开+vorce=vert转→从[丈夫身边]转开→离婚;参考:divert转开
后缀: -ish 1. 表形容词,"像……一样,有……的",通常放在具体的名词后; 2. 表动词,"造成……,成……" adj.sluggish 行动迟钝的,缓慢的slug懒汉+ish像……一样,有……的→sluggish→行动迟钝的,缓慢的 bookish 书呆子的book书+ish像……一样,有……的→adj.书呆子的 boorish 粗野的boor粗野的人,不懂礼貌的人+ish像……一样,有……的→adj.粗野的 childish 孩子的;幼稚的child孩子+ish像……一样,有……的→adj.孩子的;幼稚的 churlish 脾气暴躁的churl粗野的人,吝啬鬼+ish像……一样,有……的→adj.脾气暴躁的 coldish 微冷的cold冷+ish像……一样,有……的→adj.微冷的 coltish 放浪不拘的,似小马的colt小马,无经验的年轻人+ish像……一样,有……的→adj.放浪不拘的,似小马的 faddish 流行一时的,时尚的fadd时尚+ish像……一样,有……的→adj.流行一时的,时尚的 fattish 略胖的,颇肥的,稍胖的fat非,胖+ish像……一样,有……的→fattish略胖的 fiendish 极凶恶的fiend魔鬼+ish像……一样,有……的→adj.极凶恶的 foolish 愚笨的,愚蠢的fool愚人,白痴+ish像……一样,有……的→adj.愚笨的,愚蠢的 modish 时髦的mode时尚+ish像……一样,有……的→adj.时髦的 selfish 自私的self自己+ish像……一样,有……的→adj.自私的 snobbish 势利的,谄上欺下的snob势利的人,假内行+ish像……一样,有……的→snobbish势利的,谄上欺下的 waggish 诙谐的,滑稽的wag摇摆,小丑+ish像……一样,有……的→waggish→诙谐的,滑稽的 yellowish 微黄色的yellow黄+ish像……一样,有……的→adj.微黄色的 n.polish 擦光剂,上光蜡pol擦亮+ish造成……,成……→v.磨光,擦亮;使优美,润饰 n.擦光剂,上光蜡 v.diminish 减少;消失di分开+mini小+ish造成……,成……→变小,减少 embellish 装饰em进入+bell美好+ish造成……,成……→进入美好→装饰 famish 使饥饿fam饿+ish造成……,成……→v.使饥饿 flourish 繁荣,茂盛;挥舞flour花+ish造成……,成……→v.繁荣,茂盛;挥舞 furbish 磨光,刷新furb擦亮+ish造成……,成……→v.磨光,刷新 impoverish 使成赤贫im进入+pover贫困+ish造成……,成……→v.使成赤贫 polish 磨光,擦亮;使优美,润饰 pol擦亮+ish造成……,成……→v.磨光,擦亮;使优美,润饰 n.擦光剂,上光蜡 vanquish 征服,击溃vanqu克服+ish造成……,成……→v.征服,击溃
词组搭配(the law of) diminishing returnsused to refer to a point at which the level of profits or benefits gained is less than the amount of money or energy invested 报酬递减(律) 同义词辨析decrease, diminish, lessen, reduce, dwindle这些协词的共同含义是"减少,变少"。 decrease: 指逐渐地、不断地减少。diminish: 侧重大小数量和重要性的不断减小,强调减小的部分。lessen: 普通用词,与decrease近义。指数目、程度、价值、实力等的减少。reduce: 普通用词,含义广。指数量、程度的降低或减少。dwindle: 与decrease同义,指逐渐减小,但强调变得越来越少终至全无。
同义词vt.减少,减小;削弱curtailreducedecreaselessencut 其他释义deflatealleviatetapershortensilenceebbsubsidelanguishdwindlewanedecreasecurtailrelievelessencheapensoftenloosenreducecut 反义词vt. & vi.减少,减小,缩减increaseraise 其他释义magnifyraiseincreaseenlarge