释义 |
deposeGRE 释义- vt.
罢免,免职; 宣誓作证; 废黜(君主等); 放置 - vi.
词态变化- 第三人称单数:?deposes;
- 过去式:?deposed;
- 过去分词:?deposed;
- 现在分词:?deposing;
实用场景例句The president was deposed in a military coup. 总统在军事政变中被废黜。 牛津词典 Mr Ben Bella was deposed in a coup in 1965... 本·贝拉先生在1965年的一次政变中被推翻。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Ferdinand Marcos fled to Hawaii in 1986 after being deposed as president of the Philippines. 1986年,菲律宾总统费迪南德·马科斯被赶下台后逃往了夏威夷。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 A witness must depose to such facts as are within his own knowledge. 证人必须宣誓证明他所知道的事实. 期刊摘选 Meanwhile, the revolutionaries prepare to stage a coup and depose the king. 而正在此时, 革命者正准备发起攻击,推翻国王. 期刊摘选 I will depose you from your office, and you will be ousted from your position. 我必赶逐你离开官职.你必从你的原位撤下. 期刊摘选 The tribal council also had the to depose sachems, even against the will of the gens. 此外,部落议事会也可以甚至违反氏族的意志而撤换酋长. 期刊摘选 Investigators depose the witness behind closed doors. 调查组对证人闭门取证. 期刊摘选 The council of the tribe also had the power to depose both sachems and chiefs. 部落会议也有罢免首领和酋帅的权利. 辞典例句 Yor can hire a bicycle in many places. Usually you'll have to pay a depose. 在很多地方都可以租到自行车, 通常,你要为此支付租赁费. 期刊摘选 The right to elect chieftains and to depose them. 选举和撤换酋长的权利. 英汉非文学 - 家庭、私有制和国家的起源 The witness is going to depose. 证人即将宣誓做证. 辞典例句 The military steps in to depose Ch á vez and restore order. 军方将介入推翻查韦斯,并恢复秩序. 期刊摘选 The right to elect the chief and to depose him is nowhere mentioned. 关于选举和撤换酋长的权利,任何地方都没有提到过. 期刊摘选 The emperor attempted to depose the Pope. 皇帝企图废黜教皇. 辞典例句 英英释义Verb1. force to leave (an office)2. make a deposition; declare under oath
词根词缀词根: pose 1. =put,表示"放"; 2. 引申为"职位" adj.disposed 愿意的,想干的dispose安排+ed……的→任安排的→心甘情愿的 indisposed 不愿意的,身体不适的in不+disposed[adj.愿意的,想干的]→adj.不愿意的,身体不适的 n.composer 作家, 作曲家, 设计者, 著作者compose创作+er人→composer作家, 作曲家 pose 姿势,姿态 pose放→n.姿势,姿态 v.造成,提出,摆姿势,佯装 proposal 提议,建议;求婚propose[v.计划, 建议, 向……提议, 求[婚] v.打算, 求婚]+al表名词→n.提议,建议;求婚 purpose 目的,意图;用途,效果pur=per+pose放→始终放着的→目的 repose 休息;躺下re再+pose放→再放下[工作]→休息 v.compose 组成,构成;[of]由…组成;创作[诗歌等]com一起+pose放→放到一起→组成 discompose 解体;使失态,慌张dis分开+compose组成,构成→解体 dispose [of]处理,处置;[for]布置,安排dis分开+pose放→分开排列→安排 expose 暴露ex出+pose放→放出来→暴露 impose 征[税];[on]把…强加给im进+pose放→进去放[强放]→强加 juxtapose 并排,并置juxta并排+pose放→并排放 oppose 反对, 使对立 op=ob反对+pose放→置于相反地方 pose 造成,提出,摆姿势,佯装pose放→n.姿势,姿态 v.造成,提出,摆姿势,佯装 propose 计划, 建议, 向……提议, 求[婚] pro向前+pose放→向前放→提议 transpose 调换, 颠倒顺序, 移项 trans变换+pose放→变换放→调换
同义词v.免职,废黜defrockimpeachunseatremoveordismissdeclassdethroneoverthrowejectdisenthronefromdegradeunfrockofficeoustdisratekickuncrownoutcashier v.宣誓作证totestimonyswornswearattestgivebearwitness v.驱逐dischargeexpeldisplaceexileoustdispossessdisbar