Don't you know it's rude to whisper?
Don't you know what stuff he is made of?
你知道他是什么货色 吗 ?
She has got married, don't you know?
她已经成亲了, 你不知道 吗 ?
Don't you know the crushed worm will turn ? Why are you so lacking in vigilance?
你不知道困兽犹斗 吗 ?为什么这样麻痹大意?
'sally Foster, don't you know you would have to inquire around? "
“ 萨利-福斯特, 你难道不知道你得四处打探 吗 ? ”
英汉文学 - 三万元遗产
WE mustn't subscribe till we've got the money; don't you know that? "
那笔钱不到手,咱们就买不了股, 这你还不知道 吗 ? ”
英汉文学 - 三万元遗产
Don't you know that early morning is the best time? "
为什么在这时候才来折,不在早晨折 呢 ? ”
汉英文学 - 家(1-26) - 家(1-26)
Don't you know the old proverb?'save your breath to cool your porridge !'
多吃饭,少开口:你们不晓得这句老 古话 么 ?
Little Shun laughed. " Don't you know?
小顺笑着向我说道: “ 你怎么不知道 呢 ?
汉英文学 - 中国现代小说
Don't you know anyone who could throw his weight around?
Don't you know I was kidding, you sap?
笨蛋, 你不知道我是在开玩笑 吗 ?
What's the matter with you? Don't you know when someone means well by you?
好心 好意,不领情是怎着?
汉英文学 - 骆驼祥子
Don't you know it will be the ruin of ye, body and soul?
你难道不知道,这样下去你连肉体灵魂都会一起毁掉 吗 ?
Don't you know how dangerous it is to meet men online?
你难道不知道在网上认识人是很危险的 吗 ?
Don't you know it is high in calories?
你难道不知道巧克力的热量很高 吗 ?