释义 |
实用场景例句There was music and dancing till two in the morning. 音乐和舞蹈一直持续到凌晨两点。 牛津词典 All the schools have music and dancing as part of the curriculum... 所有学校都设有音乐和舞蹈课。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Let's go dancing tonight. 我们今晚去跳舞吧。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Look at that boat dancing on the waves. 看那艘随波漂荡的船. 《简明英汉词典》 The leaves were dancing in the wind. 树叶迎风漂舞. 《现代英汉综合大词典》 Among her accomplishments were sewing, cooking, playing the piano and dancing. 她的才能包括缝纫 、 烹调 、 弹钢琴和跳舞. 《现代英汉综合大词典》 Boys are very much in the minority at the dancing class. 舞蹈班里男生占极少数. 《简明英汉词典》 May I have the pleasure of dancing with you? 我可以和你跳舞 吗 ? 《现代英汉综合大词典》 Fishing, bathing, and dancing can be indulged there. 在这里可以尽情钓鱼 、 游泳和跳舞. 《简明英汉词典》 The music doesn't lend itself to dancing. 这音乐不适宜于跳舞 《现代英汉综合大词典》 They are dancing on the green. 他们在草坪上跳舞. 《简明英汉词典》 They were singing and dancing to celebrate this joyful occasion. 他们唱着、跳着庆祝这令人欢乐的时刻. 《现代英汉综合大词典》 The exultant crowds were dancing in the streets. 欢欣的人群在大街上跳起了舞. 《简明英汉词典》 It was felt inappropriate by some that such a serious occasion should include dancing. 有些人认为在如此庄重的场合跳舞实在是不妥. 《简明英汉词典》 She was dancing while someone substituted at the piano. 她在跳舞,别人代她弹钢琴. 《简明英汉词典》 We'll start with a bit of dancing to get the adrenaline going. 我们先跳一下舞热热身. 《简明英汉词典》 Dancing on a rope is an acrobatic feat. 在纲丝绳上跳舞是一种特技 《现代英汉综合大词典》 The wartime ban against dancing has been lifted. 战时不准跳舞的禁令已经解除. 《现代汉英综合大词典》 There is strength as well as grace in her dancing. 她的舞蹈柔中有刚. 《现代汉英综合大词典》 Snowflakes are dancing in the air. 雪花在空中飞舞. 《现代汉英综合大词典》 I like dancing, singing and drawing. 我喜欢跳舞、唱歌和画画。 柯林斯例句 The children pretend to be different animals dancing to the music. 孩子们扮成不同的动物,随着音乐起舞。 柯林斯例句 All the schools have music and dancing as part of the curriculum. 所有学校都设有音乐和舞蹈课。 柯林斯例句 I felt sure I'd have to kiss my dancing career goodbye. 我明确感觉到我将不得不与我的舞蹈生涯说再见了。 柯林斯例句 Unbeknownst to her father, she began taking dancing lessons. 她瞒着父亲开始去上舞蹈课。 柯林斯例句 Sideshows at the championship include highland dancing and a play by The Wanlockhead Players. 锦标赛上的助兴节目包括高地舞蹈和万洛克黑德剧社上演的一部剧。 柯林斯例句 The danger of commercialism is that the churches end up dancing to the tune of their big business sponsors. 商业主义的危险就是教会最终可能会被大赞助商牵着鼻子走。 柯林斯例句 Her hobbies include music, dancing, sport and cooking. 她的爱好包括音乐、舞蹈、体育和烹饪。 柯林斯例句 The dancing is uninhibited and as frenzied as an aerobics class. 舞跳得非常奔放,就像在做有氧健身操一样疯狂。 柯林斯例句 真题例句I fell in love with it instantly and continued with ballet dancing for about ten years. 2019年6月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section C It wasn't until I rediscovered salsa in a lovely studio while working in Asia that I renewed my passion for dancing. 2019年6月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section C My dancing life began not because I wanted to do it, but because my mother was sick and tired of seeing me running around after school doing nothing. 2019年6月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section C Salsa is a kind of dancing that evolved in the mid-1970s in New York. 2019年6月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section C since then, I have been trying to attend dancing classes twice a week after work. 2019年6月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section C Then, I left my native country of New Zealand to start my career as an English teacher, which eventually brought my dancing life to a halt. 2019年6月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section C By the time I was nine, I was dancing five days a week. 2018年高考英语全国卷2 听力 原文 Dancing seems to change their feeling completely. 2018年高考英语全国卷3 阅读理解 七选五 原文 How did your dancing lesson go today? 2019年高考英语全国卷2 听力 原文 I find it hard to stop! Dancing reminds me I'm alive. 2018年高考英语全国卷3 阅读理解 七选五 原文 Kunqu society, the classical Chinese theater which combines singing, dancing and acting to literary works by masters of Ming and Qing dynasties, performing introduces four signature plays of Kunqu master Jiqing Zhang to American audiences. 2015年高考英语广东卷 阅读理解 信息匹配 原文 Little Tom sat amazed watching the monkey dancing in front of him. 2015年高考英语四川卷 单项填空 原文 英英释义Noun1. taking a series of rhythmical steps (and movements) in time to music
词根词缀后缀: -ing 1. 表名词,"状态物品,行业等"; 2. 表介词,"在……情况下……"; 3. 表形容词,"正……的或令人……的"; 4. "……的" adj.advertising 广告的;广告业务的advertise做广告+ing行业→n.广告业;广告活动 adj.广告的;广告业务的 assuming 傲慢的,不逊的,僭越的assume假装,假定+ing正……的或令人……的→adj.傲慢的,不逊的,僭越的 changing 正在变化的change变化+ing正……的或令人……的→正在变化的 corresponding 相应的,通讯的correspond通信;符合+ing……的→adj.相应的,通讯的 discriminating 有辨别能力的discriminate辨别,歧视+ing正……的或令人……的→adj.有辨别能力的 encouraging 鼓舞人心的encourage鼓励+ing正……的或令人……的→adj.鼓舞人心的 enduring 持久的,不朽的endure持久,持续+ing正……的或令人……的→adj.持久的,不朽的 engrossing 引人入胜的engross吸引+ing正……的或令人……的→adj.引人入胜的 exceeding 非常的,极度的,胜过的,过度的exceed超出+ing正……的或令人……的→adj.非常的,极度的,胜过的,过度的 exciting 令人兴奋的,使人激动的excite使兴奋+ing正……的或令人……的→adj.令人兴奋的,使人激动的 exhilarating 使人兴奋的exhilarate使高兴+ing正……的或令人……的→adj.使人兴奋的 fascinating 迷人的,吸引人的fascinate使……入迷+ing正……的或令人……的→adj.迷人的,吸引人的 flattering 谄媚的,讨人欢喜的,奉承的flatter阿谀,奉承+ing正……的或令人……的→adj.谄媚的,讨人欢喜的,奉承的 foregoing 在前的,前述的forego居先+ing……的→adj.在前的,前述的 hardworking 苦干的,不辞辛劳的hard艰难+work工作+ing……的→adj.苦干的,不辞辛劳的 increasing 日益增加的,增大的increase增加+ing正……的或令人……的→adj.日益增加的,增大的 inspiring 灌输的,鼓舞的inspire鼓舞+ing令人……的→inspiring灌输的 interesting 有趣味的,令人好奇[或注意]的interest使发生兴趣,引起……的注意+ing正……的或令人……的→adj.有趣味的,令人好奇[或注意]的 inviting 诱人的,引人入胜的invite邀请+ing正……的或令人……的→adj.诱人的,引人入胜的 outgoing 友善的;即将离职的out出+go走+ing正……的或令人……的→走出来→心胸宽→待人友善的 preceding 在前的,前述的precede先于+ing正……的或令人……的→adj.在前的,前述的 promising 有希望的,有前途的promise允许,答应+ing正……的或令人……的→adj.有希望的,有前途的 refreshing 使心神爽快的refresh使清新+ing令人……的→adj.使心神爽快的 riveting 非常精彩的rivet铆钉,固定+ing正……的或令人……的→如铆钉一样把人钉[吸引]住→非常精彩的 threatening 胁迫的,危险的threaten恐吓,威胁+ing正……的或令人……的→adj.胁迫的,危险的 wanting 欠缺的,没有的,不够格的want想+ing……的→想要的→欠缺的 n.accounting 会计学account计算+ing状态物品,行业等→n.会计学 advertising 广告业;广告活动 advertise做广告+ing行业→n.广告业;广告活动 adj.广告的;广告业务的 banking 银行业bank银行+ing状态物品,行业等→n.银行业 beginning 开始begin开始,首先+ing状态→n.开始 building 建筑[物],房屋,大楼 [同]structurebuild建造+ing物→n.建筑[物],房屋,大楼 [同]structure clothing 服装,被褥cloth布+ing物→n.服装,被褥 dancing 舞蹈dance跳舞+ing状态物品,行业等→dancing舞蹈 engineering 工程[学]engineer工程师+ing状态物品,行业等→n.工程[学] feeling 感情;心情;知觉;同情feel感觉+ing状态→n.感情;心情;知觉;同情 filling 充填物,馅fill填充+ing状态物品,行业等→n.充填物,馅 fishing 钓鱼,捕鱼fish鱼+ing状态物品,行业等→n.钓鱼,捕鱼 flooring 地板材料,铺地板floor地板+ing物→n.地板材料,铺地板 footing 立足处;稳固的地位,基础foot足+ing状态物品,行业等→立足点 gloaming 黄昏,薄暮gloam变朦胧+ing状态物品,行业等→n.黄昏,薄暮 greeting 祝贺,问候greet问候+ing状态物品,行业等→n.祝贺,问候 handwriting 笔迹,书写体,书法,笔势handwrite书法;笔迹+ing状态物品,行业等→n.笔迹,书写体,书法,笔势 happening 事件,意外发生的事happen发生+ing状态→n. 事件,意外发生的事 knowing 知晓;认知know知道+ing状态→n.知晓;认知 learning 知识,学问;学习learn学习+ing状态物品,行业等→n.知识,学问;学习 legging 绑腿、裹腿、护胫;紧身裤leg腿+ing状态物品,行业等→legging绑腿 mooring 停泊处moor停船+ing状态物品,行业等→n.停泊处 opening 开,开放,开始open开+ing状态物品,行业等→n.开,开放,开始 shoemaking 制鞋修补皮鞋shoe鞋+make制造+ing状态物品,行业等→n.制鞋修补皮鞋 changing 替换,变换,转换,变化change变化+ing正……的或令人……的→正在变化的 proceeding 行动,进行,会议录,学报proceed进行+ing正……的或令人……的→行动,进行 ageing 成熟,变老age年龄+ing状态→n.成熟,变老 prep.considering 鉴于,考虑到,顾及consider考虑+ing在……情况下……→v. 考虑,顾及,顾及,考虑到,认为; prep.鉴于,考虑到,顾及 failing 如果没有……fail错,失败+ing在……情况下……→prep.如果没有…… regarding 关于regard注视+ing在……情况下……→与……相关→关于 v.considering 考虑,顾及,顾及,考虑到,认为consider考虑+ing在……情况下……→v. 考虑,顾及,顾及,考虑到,认为; prep.鉴于,考虑到,顾及