It's very efficient and its security is based on RSA assumption and DDH assumption.
方案基于RSA假设和DDH( DecisionalDeffie-Hellman)假设,是安全的.
PrefaceThe developmental dislocation of the hip ( DDH ) is the common disorder in pediatric orthopedics.
发育性髋脱位 ( DevelopmentalDislocation oftheHip, DDH ) 是小儿骨科的一种常见病,髋臼病变相对较重.
Objective To find a more perfect method of treating developmental dislocation of the hip ( DDH ).
目的 探讨治疗发育性髋关节脱位 ( developmentaldislocationof thehip,DDH ) 更完善的手术方法.
PPIA, DDH, PGAM 1 , PDX 1 , PGP 9.5, ENO 1, and PEBP were overexpressed in cancer tissues.
RT-PCR 检测示ENO1 、 DDH 、 PEBP 、 PGP9.5 、 PDX1 、 PGAM1、PPIA在肺癌组织中高表达.
Objective To study the application of dendrimer DNA hybridization ( DDH ) technology in HEV detection.
目的 研究树状DNA杂交 ( DDH ) 技术在戊型肝炎病毒(HEV) 检测中的应用.
The restriction digestion system consisted of 10μ L PCR products, 2.0μ L 10× Buffer, 83.350 nkat restriction enzyme and 7.5μ L ddH 2 O.
PCR产物10.0μL, 加入2.0μL10×Buffer, 83.350nkat内切酶,7.5μL双蒸水构成20μL酶 切反应体系.