释义 |
词态变化- 第三人称单数:?encircles;
- 过去式:?encircled;
- 过去分词:?encircled;
- 现在分词:?encircling;
- 名词:?encirclement;
实用场景例句The island is encircled by a coral reef. 这个岛周围都是珊瑚礁。 牛津词典 Jack's arms encircled her waist. 杰克的双臂搂着她的腰。 牛津词典 A forty-foot-high concrete wall encircles the jail... 监狱周围有一圈40英尺高的混凝土墙。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 By 22nd November the Sixth Army was encircled. 到11月22日,第六军被包围了。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 A similar system is used to contact the communications satellites that now continually encircle the earth. 人们正把同样的系统用来与目前绕地球飞行的通讯卫星保持联系. 辞典例句 This is avoidable by arranging the barriers to encircle the noise source. 要避免上述情况出现,可安排以屏障围绕噪音源头. 期刊摘选 The goal of sokusen sohketsu was to encircle the enemy and then destroy him. 速战速决的目标是包围敌人,然后摧毁敌人. 期刊摘选 It would take more than seven people to encircle the tree with outstretched arms. 树高19米,树干下围10米,中围6米,俗语称它“七楼八扎半,疙里疙瘩不上算”. 期刊摘选 It takes the earth one year to encircle the sun. 地球绕太阳运行一周需要一年. 辞典例句 It takes ten people to encircle the big tree. 形式主语不定式做主语后置这株大树要10人才能环抱. 期刊摘选 Because our solar system is situated within this disk, our galaxy appears to encircle us. 因为太阳系坐落在这个圆盘上, 银河系看来便像是环绕著我们. 期刊摘选 Encircle 30 pigs in, head head rolls melon smooth circleanother's position is strong, very congenial. 圈里的30头猪, 头头滚瓜溜圆,膘肥体壮, 十分讨人喜欢. 期刊摘选 Let poverty start to take off, happiness and healthy encircle the world. 让世界找不到黑暗, 幸福像花开放. 期刊摘选 A belief in God, and trust in his providence, began to encircle his heart. 皈依上帝, 信赖上天的保佑这种念头开始萦绕在他心头. 辞典例句 Peiping first but rather to encircle Tientsin, Tangku , Lutai and Tangshan first. 四 、 我们的真正目的不是首先包围北平,而是首先包围天津 、 沽、台、山诸点. 期刊摘选 A motion that encircle the ground is in stealthily each brew in square force. 一场圈地运动正悄悄在各方势力中酝酿. 期刊摘选 We should encircle the enemy forces completely and let none escape from the net. 我们应该四面包围敌人不使一人漏网. 《简明英汉词典》 He is for ever pursuing the Red Army and for ever trying to encircle it. 敌人总是跟着红军,而且总是把它围起来. 期刊摘选 Group of hill encircle of the Anling that it is located in vast in. 顺利河,一个吉祥的名字.它坐落在浩瀚的小兴安岭的群山环抱之中. 期刊摘选 Economic gross is equivalent to growing the summation that two old economy encircle trigonometry and annulusSea. 经济总量相当于长三角和环渤海两大经济圈的总和. 期刊摘选 The zodiac is a band of stars that appears to encircle the earth. 黄道是一圈看似围绕地球的星座带. 期刊摘选 Many bulls surround me; strong bulls of Bashan encircle me. 12有许多公牛围绕我.巴 珊 大力的公牛四面困住我. 期刊摘选 After the person above goes bulb mount, say: " Good, begin to turn now encircle. " 上面的人把灯泡装上去后, 便说: “ 好了, 现在开始转圈吧. ” 期刊摘选 It has proclaimed their utter failure to encircle , pursue , obstruct and intercept us. 长征宣告了帝国主义和蒋介石围追堵截的破产. 期刊摘选 Trunk tall, straight, vigorous strong, two adults in order to encircle over. 树干高大挺直, 苍劲有力, 两个大人才能合抱过来. 期刊摘选 词根词缀词根: circ =ring/circle,表示"圆,环" adj.circuitous 迂回的,绕圈子的circuit[n.环行;电路]+ous……的→adj.迂回的,绕圈子的 circular 圆的;循环的circ圆,环+ular表形容词→adj.圆的;循环的 n.circle 圆周, 圆形物, 派系, 循环 circ圆,环+le→圆周, 圆形物→围, 环绕 circlet 小环,小圈circ圆,环+let小东西→n.小环,小圈 circuit 环行;电路circu=circ圆,环+it走→环行 circulation 循环,流通,发行额circulate[v.循环,流通]+ion动作或状态→n.循环,流通,发行额 circus 马戏团;圆形广场circ圆,环+us表名词→[巡回演出的]马戏团 v.circle 围, 环绕;盘旋circ圆,环+le→圆周, 圆形物→围, 环绕 circulate 循环,流通circ圆,环+ulate=ate表动词→绕圈走→循环 encircle 环绕,包围en进入+circle圆→进入圆→包围
同义词辨析enclose, encircle, envelop, fence, surround这些动词均有"包围"之意。 enclose: 指把某物四周围住或封闭起来,使之与外界隔绝。encircle: 侧重在某事物周围围成圈状。envelop: 着重指把某个物体完全包起来或整个封起来。fence: 通常指用栅栏栏开或围起来。surround: 普通用词,既可指环绕、围绕,也可指军事上的包围。
同义词vt.围绕;包围inencompasscompriseincludetakesurroundenclosebound 其他释义incompasscomprisesurroundencompasscircumscribeincludeenclosetakesiegecirclegirdboundlocalize