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实用场景例句the endemic problem of racism 普遍存在的种族主义问题 牛津词典 species endemic to (= only found in) Madagascar 马达加斯加特有的物种 牛津词典 Malaria is endemic in many hot countries. 疟疾是许多气候炎热国家的流行病。 牛津词典 Corruption is endemic in the system. 腐败在这种制度下普遍存在。 牛津词典 an attitude endemic among senior members of the profession 此行业中的资深者普遍持有的看法 牛津词典 Polio was then endemic among children my age. 那时小儿麻痹症在我这个年纪的孩子中很常见。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Street crime is virtually endemic in large cities. 街头犯罪近乎是大城市的通病。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 ...powerful radicals with an endemic hatred and fear of the West. 普遍仇恨又惧怕西方世界的势力强大的激进分子 柯林斯高阶英语词典 He said that racism is endemic in this country. 他说种族主义在该国很普遍. 《简明英汉词典》 Giant Panda ( Ailuropoda melanoleuca ) is an endangered species that is endemic to China. 大熊猫 ( Ailuropodamelanoleuca ) 是我国特有的国家级珍稀濒危保护动物. 期刊摘选 Action is needed to address serious fuel and commodity shortages and endemic poverty. 需要采取行动来解决严重的燃料和物品短缺问题以及地区贫穷. 期刊摘选 We will prevent and treat major diseases , including contagious, occupational and endemic diseases. 大力防治传染病 、 职业病和地方病等危害人民健康的重大疾病. 期刊摘选 About 40 % of all made of ( native ) plants in california endemic. 大约所有加州本地植物的40%有风土病. 期刊摘选 Endemic diseases are common in this area. 这个地区地方病流行. 期刊摘选 Torture , concluded a recent report by Amnesty International , is endemic among Russian police. 国际特赦组织(AmnestyInternationa)的最近报告中断定,酷刑在俄罗斯警察中非常风行. 期刊摘选 Each starting point, there are endemic species of fresh and tired. 风卷过的起点, 有种疲倦又有种新鲜. 期刊摘选 The is endemic to China and is thus of special botanical interests. 本种为中国特有,具有科学研究价值. 期刊摘选 Distribution: Endemic to Hong Kong, only known from Tai Mo Shan. 地理分布: 香港特有种, 仅见于大帽山. 期刊摘选 As a consequence, alcohol , drugs and prostitution are endemic. 随之而来的后果, 是当地?锢牡男锞莆?竞吐粢? 期刊摘选 It is an endemic found only this island. 这是这个岛上特有的物种. 期刊摘选 It also reflects a particular worry a country where bird flu is endemic in many regions. 它也反映这个多处流行禽流感的国家尤其担心这种问题. 期刊摘选 The chest disease is endemic among miners in this area. 这种胸部疾病是流行于本地区矿工中的地方病. 《简明英汉词典》 Distribution: Endemic to Hong Kong, only found in Lantau Island. 地理分布: 香港特有种, 仅见于大屿山. 期刊摘选 Ruili City of endemic disease prevention Office. 瑞丽市地方病防治办公室. 期刊摘选 Objective To propose suitable prevention measures for endemic fluorosis. 目的提出甘肃省地方性氟中毒防治对策. 期刊摘选 The corruption of the cocaine trade and persistent violence are endemic problems. 腐化的毒品交易和持久的暴力活动都是当地普遍存在的问题. 期刊摘选 Build up capacity for clinical trials in Africa and other areas where malaria is endemic. 提高非洲和其他疟疾流行地区进行临床实验的能力. 期刊摘选 Objective To investigate the main conditions of acute schistosomiasis in the endemic areas. 目的了解血防疫区急性血吸虫病发病情况. 期刊摘选 Conclusions Endemic arsenic poisoning exist in the north of Ningxia, but the situation is not serious. 结论宁夏北部确存在有地方性砷中毒, 但病情相对较轻. 期刊摘选 英英释义Adjective1. of or relating to a disease (or anything resembling a disease) constantly present to greater or lesser extent in a particular locality;"diseases endemic to the tropics" "endemic malaria" "food shortages and starvation are endemic in certain parts of the world" 2. native to or confined to a certain region;"the islands have a number of interesting endemic species" 3. originating where it is found;"the autochthonal fauna of Australia includes the kangaroo" "autochthonous rocks and people and folktales" "endemic folkways" "the Ainu are indigenous to the northernmost islands of Japan"
词根词缀前缀: en- 1. 动词前缀,通常加在名词前构成动词,表示"进入……之中,包围,成为"; 2. 动词前缀,表示"使……进入状态或加强等意思" adj.endemic 风土的, 地方的en进入……之中,包围,成为+dem人民+ic表形容词→在人民之中→地方性的 v.encage 关入笼中en进入……之中,包围,成为+cage笼子→v.关入笼中 enchain 束缚en进入……之中,包围,成为+chain锁链→v.束缚 enroll 注册,记入名册en进入……之中,包围,成为+roll转,倦→往里倦→注册 entitle 给……题名, 给……称号;授权, 授权en进入……之中,包围,成为+title标题,头衔→v. 给……题名, 给……称号;授权, 授权 entrap 以网或陷阱捕捉en进入……之中,包围,成为+trap陷阱→v.以网或陷阱捕捉 empurple 使成紫色 en使……进入状态或加强等意思+purple紫→v.使成紫色 v.发紫 enact 制定;颁布en使……进入状态或加强等意思+act行动→进入行动→颁布[法令] enchant 使迷醉en使……进入状态或加强等意思+chant反复说;咒语→被咒语所迷醉 encompass 包围,围绕en进入+compass范围→v.包围,围绕 encourage 鼓励en使……进入状态或加强等意思+courage勇气→使人进入勇气→鼓励 endanger 使危险en使……进入状态或加强等意思+danger危险→v.使危险 enfranchise 给予选举权,释放[奴隶]en使……进入状态或加强等意思+franchise特权,公民权→给予选举权 engage 使忙碌, 雇佣, 预定 en使……进入状态或加强等意思+gage挑战→进入挑战→忙碌于…… enlarge 扩大, 放大en使……进入状态或加强等意思+large大→v.扩大, 放大 enlighten 启发,开导en使……进入状态或加强等意思+light光+en变成→给人光明→启发 enlist [使]入伍从军,征募en使……进入状态或加强等意思+list名单→进入名单→入伍 enrich 使富足, 使肥沃, 装饰, 加料于, 浓缩en使……进入状态或加强等意思+rich富的→v.使富足, 使肥沃, 装饰, 加料于, 浓缩 enwrap 包裹, 围绕, 包围;使专注en使……进入状态或加强等意思+wrap包裹→v.包裹, 围绕, 包围;使专注
词根: dem =people 表示"人民,人们" demo- popul- adj.endemic 风土的, 地方的en在……内+dem人民+ic……的→在人民之中→地方性的 epidemic 流行性的,传染的epi在……周围+dem人民+ic……的→在人民周围→流行的 pandemic 大范围流行的pan广泛的+dem人民+ic……的→人民广泛[染病]→广为流行的 n.demagogy 蛊惑民心的策略和手段dem人民,人们+agog引导,蛊惑+y→n.蛊惑民心的策略和手段