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实用场景例句The attack wasn't just a figment of my imagination. 袭击可不是我凭空想象出来的。 辞典例句 Yes. You are a figment of the past! 对,你是过去的幻影! 辞典例句 Is this spider thing a figment of your imagination, too? 这个什么毒蜘蛛的东西也是你凭空杜撰出来的 吧 ? 电影对白 That Sunday is a figment of the world's imagination. 星期天是世界想象出来的虚构物. 互联网 What if it's just a figment of our imaginations? 那可能只是我们想象臆造出来的 呢 ? 互联网 Doctor, are you suggesting the pain is a figment of my imagination? 医生, 你是说这疼痛是我想像出来的喽? 互联网 Was that girl wearing no blouse or was it a figment of my imagination? 是那姑娘没穿上衣呢,还是我凭空想象的事? 互联网 Yet, to achieve the desired perfect figure need not be figment of your imagination. 您所渴望的完美曲线不应只成为可望遥不可及的梦想. 互联网 If they trace any accounts , they'll wind up chasing a figment of my imagination. 如果他们跟踪到什么, 他们呢也仅仅只是在捕风捉影. 互联网 词根词缀词根: fig =do,make 表示"做,制作" n.configuration 轮廓,结构,配置con共同+figure轮廓+ation表名词→所有的轮廓放在一起→总的结构 figment 虚构的东西fig做,制作+ment物→做出来的东西 figure 体形;轮廓;数字;图形 fig做,制作+ure表名词→做出的状态,形状 v.figure 描绘;计算;推测fig做,制作+ure表名词→做出的状态,形状 transfigure 改观;变形trans改变+figure形状→改变形状