I want to see the E . N . T.
英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语
The table is supplied for surgical operation of chest . abdomen, E . E . N . T . gynaecology and obstereics orthopaedics department.
该手术台、供胸、腹外科 、 眼耳鼻喉科、妇产科、泌尿科和骨科等施行一般手术用.
Chen Guo - feng , ed. Gan's E . N . T . Stomatology . Jiang Su and Technology Publishing Co Ltd, 1999:183.
陈 国丰 主编,干氏耳鼻咽喉口腔科学,江苏科技出版社1999:183.
Links must be P - E - R - M - A - N - E - N - T and active, should never expire and must not need any further payments.
链接必须是永久性的和积极的, 应该不会过期,不能需要任何进一步的付款.