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实用场景例句I am deeply moved by his epilogue. 我看了他写的编余,很有感触. 期刊摘选 Besides epilogue, there are four chapters in this paper. 本文除了结语外, 共分四章. 期刊摘选 Mr Gorbachev narrates the introduction and the epilogue to the story. 戈尔巴乔夫在这个故事开场和结束时担任解说. 期刊摘选 The editor explained the morals of the news in the epilogue. 编辑在编后中阐发了这则新闻背后的道理. 期刊摘选 The sixth section epilogue. 第六部分为结语. 期刊摘选 The epilogue told what eventually happened to the main characters. 结尾部分讲述了几个主要人物的最终结局. 期刊摘选 In Shakespeare's plays an actor who recites the prologue and epilogue. 莎士比亚戏剧中)朗诵序诗及收场白的演员. 期刊摘选 In chapter four, has a epilogue to conclude the whole thesis. 第四章是结语,对全文进行归纳梳理. 期刊摘选 When reading he attaches great importance to the epilogue of books. 他看书时很重视后面的补记. 期刊摘选 Sunstein, Cass. Revised epilogue to Echo Chambers : Bush v. Gore, Impeachment, and Beyond. Princeton University Press. 凯斯.桑斯坦《回音箱: 布希、高尔, 互控之外》修正后记. 普林斯顿大学出版社. 期刊摘选 Epilogue: Closing section at the end of a novel or play. 跋(后记): 在小说或剧本后的结束文章. 期刊摘选 In the epilogue, Kate talks about her grief after Anna's death. 结尾处凯特提及她对安娜的死的悲痛. 期刊摘选 In the epilogue , the Silk Road resounds with the song of friendship. 尾声:丝绸之路上洋溢着友谊之歌. 期刊摘选 This essay consists of three parts: preface, text and epilogue. 全文包括前言 、 正文和结语三部分. 期刊摘选 The thesis consists of introduction, text and epilogue. 论文由导论 、 正文和结语组成. 期刊摘选 Epilogue: The summary of the freedom and oppression of literature in the literature history. 余论: 对文学史中文学个性自由与压抑状态的总结. 期刊摘选 In the epilogue, he appears to have become a reformed character after joining the police. 结尾处他的个性有了改变,成了一名警察. 期刊摘选 The thesis includes introduction, text and epilogue. 论文由导论 、 正文和结语三部分组成. 期刊摘选 The thesis has been incorporated by three parts, including preface, five chapters and epilogue. 全文共分个三部分, 包括引言 、 正文和结语,正文共分五章. 期刊摘选 Epilogue: Can draw up the author is opposite this mobile opinion, criticism perhaps suggests. 结语: 可以写出作者对此次活动的意见 、 批评或者建议. 期刊摘选 And the last is the epilogue, which briefly generalizes his historical position in poetic history. 结语部分就郭嵩焘的诗歌地位进行了简要的概括. 期刊摘选 Fortinbras speaks the epilogue in Shakespeare's ` Hamlet '. 在莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》中,由福丁布拉斯念收场白. 辞典例句 The dissertation consists of three parts, which are Foreword, Text and Epilogue. 全文共分前言 、 正文和结语三部分. 期刊摘选 The epilogue summarizes and generalizes the epistemic productions of this dissertation. 结语部分对本文的一些认识性成果作了总结与概括. 期刊摘选 This thesis consists of five chapters and around 33,000 words excluding preamble and epilogue. 论文除引言和结语外共五章,三万三千余字. 期刊摘选 The play ended with a humorous epilogue. 这出戏以幽默的收场白结束。 辞典例句 词根词缀前缀: epi- 表示"在……上,在……周围,在……后面" adj.epidemic 流行性的,传染的epi在……周围+dem人民+ic……的→在人民周围→流行的 epidemiological 流行病学的epidemiology[n.流行病学]+ical……的→epidemiological流行病学的 epidermal [生]表皮的,外皮的epi在……上,在……周围,在……后面+derm皮+al……的→在皮上面→表皮的 n.epidemiologist 流行病学者epidemiology[n.流行病学]+ist专家或人→epidemiologist[研究]传染病的学者 epidemiology 流行病学epidemic传染的+ology学科→epidemiology流行病学 epigram 警句,格言epi在……上,在……周围,在……后面+gram写→写在上面的话→格言 epigraph 铭文epi在……上,在……周围,在……后面+graph写,刻→刻上的话→碑文 epilogue 后记,结尾部分epi在……上,在……周围,在……后面+logu说+e→在后面说的话→后记 episode 一段经历,片段epi在……上,在……周围,在……后面+s+od路+e→在路上→一段经历;片段 epitaph 墓志铭epi在……上,在……周围,在……后面+taph墓→墓上的[字]→墓志铭 epithet [贬低人的]短语或形容词,绰号epi在……上,在……周围,在……后面+thet放→放在名字上的另一个名字→侮辱性的称呼 epitome 梗概,缩影epi在……上,在……周围,在……后面+tome卷册→[一卷书后的]梗概