释义 |
epitomeGRE 释义- n.
缩影; 典型的人或事物; (书、演讲等的)摘要
实用场景例句clothes that are the epitome of good taste 典型的高品味服装 牛津词典 He is the epitome of a modern young man. 他是现代青年男子的典范。 牛津词典 The Dorchester Hotel is the epitome of luxury in the heart of London. 多切斯特酒店是伦敦市中心豪华奢侈的缩影。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Maureen was the epitome of sophistication... 莫琳是个典型的老油条。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 It is also Austens epitome of love. 这也可以说是她的爱情、婚姻模式的缩影. 期刊摘选 Beautiful writing instruments are the epitome of elegance. 漂亮的书写工具是优雅的缩影. 期刊摘选 Yurt is a traditional Mongolian dwelling house. It is also an epitome of Mongolian culture. 蒙古包是蒙古的传统民居, 蒙古包文化是整个蒙古文化的缩影. 期刊摘选 Lawful Good characters are the epitome of all that is just and good. 守序中立人物是正直和慈善的代表. 期刊摘选 The center is an epitome of Beijing's environment treatment. 这是北京市治理环境的一个缩影. 期刊摘选 She's the epitome of kindness. 她是仁慈的化身. 《简明英汉词典》 These are not people you are the epitome of an ugly duckling? 这些名人们不都是丑小鸭的缩影 吗 ? 期刊摘选 This handbook is a neat epitome of everyday hygiene. 这本手册概括了日常卫生的要点. 期刊摘选 For example, commonweal establishment is a definite epitome and abstract with concision. 比如公益设施,就是对事物性质的明确概括和提炼,简洁明了、言简意赅. 期刊摘选 The Atom whirls alone, the epitome of singleness. 原子独自旋转, 形成单一性的典型缩影. 期刊摘选 REMEMBER when a bank manager was the epitome of prudence? 还记得作为一个银行经理何时该是谨慎的化身 么 ? 期刊摘选 Our company is the epitome of a well organized, efficient organization. 我们公司是一个组织完备 、 有效率的典范机构. 期刊摘选 Such a broad epitome and conclusion is more difficult to understand. 这么宽泛的概括与总结,反而令人很难理解. 期刊摘选 Miscarriage collect is an epitome that life of impoverished area farmer changes merely! 小月屯仅仅是贫困地区农民生活变化的一个缩影! 期刊摘选 He is the epitome of goodness. 他是善良的典范. 《现代英汉综合大词典》 As the epitome of this world, a powerful UN is the place nestling world hope. 联合国是这个世界的缩影, 一个强有力的联合国是世界希望之所在. 期刊摘选 But he was a divisive figure, not an epitome of Polish greatness. 但是,他虽曾是一位举足轻重的人物, 却不是波兰伟大的缩影. 期刊摘选 The Hawaii are epitome of tropical paradise appearing in every holiday makers'dreams. 夏威夷群岛是每一位假日梦想家向往的热带天堂. 期刊摘选 The Cook Islands are the epitome of the South Seas tropical hideaway. 库克群岛是南太平洋充满热带风情与世隔绝的典范. 期刊摘选 This was perhaps a somewhat disdainful epitome. 这句话不免带点蔑视的口气. 辞典例句 The system of things and their names is the concentration, and epitome of historical civilization. 名物制度是历史文化的浓缩与概括. 期刊摘选 Man is the world's epitome. 人是世界的缩影. 《现代汉英综合大词典》 Dick Diver is the epitome of this world. 迪克·戴弗是这个世界的写照. 辞典例句 He is a vast library in epitome. 他脑中有万卷藏书. 期刊摘选 The wedding cake is regarded as the epitome of the baker's art. 婚礼蛋糕被认为是面包师技艺的凝华所在. 期刊摘选 词根词缀词根: tom =cut,表示"切,割" n.atom 原子;微粒,微量a不+tom切,割→不能切割的小东西 epitome 梗概,缩影epi在……后面+tome卷册→[一卷书后的]梗概 tome 册, 卷, 本, 大本书tom切,割+e→一卷一卷被切开 v.epitomize 摘要,概括epitome[n.梗概,缩影]+ize表动词→v.摘要,概括
前缀: epi- 表示"在……上,在……周围,在……后面" adj.epidemic 流行性的,传染的epi在……周围+dem人民+ic……的→在人民周围→流行的 epidemiological 流行病学的epidemiology[n.流行病学]+ical……的→epidemiological流行病学的 epidermal [生]表皮的,外皮的epi在……上,在……周围,在……后面+derm皮+al……的→在皮上面→表皮的 n.epidemiologist 流行病学者epidemiology[n.流行病学]+ist专家或人→epidemiologist[研究]传染病的学者 epidemiology 流行病学epidemic传染的+ology学科→epidemiology流行病学 epigram 警句,格言epi在……上,在……周围,在……后面+gram写→写在上面的话→格言 epigraph 铭文epi在……上,在……周围,在……后面+graph写,刻→刻上的话→碑文 epilogue 后记,结尾部分epi在……上,在……周围,在……后面+logu说+e→在后面说的话→后记 episode 一段经历,片段epi在……上,在……周围,在……后面+s+od路+e→在路上→一段经历;片段 epitaph 墓志铭epi在……上,在……周围,在……后面+taph墓→墓上的[字]→墓志铭 epithet [贬低人的]短语或形容词,绰号epi在……上,在……周围,在……后面+thet放→放在名字上的另一个名字→侮辱性的称呼 epitome 梗概,缩影epi在……上,在……周围,在……后面+tome卷册→[一卷书后的]梗概