It is proved that triple implication algorithm is P - reductive with respect to FMP and FMT models.
本文借助剩余格上的剩余型蕴涵算子的性质,讨论FMP与FMT模型三算法及其P - 还原性.
Fuzzy Modus Ponens ( FMP ) and Fuzzy Modus Tollens ( FMT ) are two kinds fuzzy reasoning models.
FMP ( 肯定前件式 ) 和FMT ( 否定后件式 ) 是模糊推理的两种基本模型.
FMP model and FMP based user interface generation set the foundation of our code generation system.
FMP的 创建以及基于FMP模型的用户界面思想的提出为代码自动生成系统提供了依据.