RESULTS: The ADR induced by benazepril was associated with the aggregation of bradykinin in vivo.
结果: 贝那普利所致不良反应主要表现为咳嗽、皮肤过敏反应等,其与体内缓激肽的聚集有关.
Objective : [ WT 5 BZ ] To compare the effect and safeness of benazepril and captopril in treatment of renal hypertension.
目的: 比较苯那普利与卡托普利治疗肾性高血压的降压效应与安全性.
The incidence rate of adverse effect in irbesartan group was 12 . 5 %, and benazepril group 22.58 %.
不良反应发生率国产伊贝沙坦组为12.5%, 苯那普利组为22.58%(p& gt;0.05).