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famine高中/CET4/CET6/考研/GRE/TOEFL/IELTS 实用场景例句disasters such as floods and famine 水灾和饥荒这一类灾难 牛津词典 the threat of widespread famine in the area 这一地区内的大范围的饥荒威胁 牛津词典 to raise money for famine relief 为赈济饥荒筹款 牛津词典 Thousands of refugees are trapped by war, drought and famine... 成千上万的难民陷于战争、旱灾和饥荒之中。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 The civil war is obstructing distribution of famine relief by aid agencies. 内战阻碍着救援机构对饥荒赈济物资的配给。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Against a background of impending famine, heavy fighting took place. 即将发生饥荒之时, 严重的战乱爆发了. 《简明英汉词典》 Famine caused widespread distress. 饥荒引起了普遍的忧虑. 《现代英汉综合大词典》 Many people die of famine every year. 每年有很多人死于饥荒. 辞典例句 We're collecting for the famine victims. 我们正在为遭受饥荒的灾民募款. 《简明英汉词典》 They lived through the long famine. 他们经历了长久的饥荒而未死. 《简明英汉词典》 Famine visited this region. 饥荒侵袭了这一地区. 《现代英汉综合大词典》 They decided not to count on foreign aid to relieve the famine. 他们决定不依靠外援来救灾. 《现代汉英综合大词典》 Thousands died of famine. 数千人死于饥荒. 《现代汉英综合大词典》 Famine and war still afflict mankind. 饥饿和战争仍使人类遭受痛苦. 《简明英汉词典》 It has been predicted that the Earth will tilt on its axis , causing catastrophic famine and disease. 有人曾预言地球会导致大荒灾和疾病. 《简明英汉词典》 They were crazed by the famine and pestilence of that bitter winter. 他们因那年严冬的饥饿与瘟疫而折磨得发狂. 《现代英汉综合大词典》 Famine stared us in the face. 饥荒迫在眉睫. 《现代汉英综合大词典》 We made a contribution to the famine relief fund. 我们给饥荒赈济基金捐了款. 《简明英汉词典》 The peasants store up the grain against famine. 农民们贮粮备荒. 《现代汉英综合大词典》 There was once a grievous famine in the land. 该国曾经发生过一次大饥荒. 《简明英汉词典》 It is conservatively estimated that not less than half a million people died in the famine. 据保守估计,死于这场饥荒的人数不少于50万. 《简明英汉词典》 Spend a year of plenty the way you spend a year of want and remind yourself of famine even when the barn is full. 丰年要当歉年过,有粮常想无粮时. 《现代汉英综合大词典》 People bought in stocks of tinned goods in anticipation of a famine year. 人们买进大量罐头食品以防饥荒的一年. 《简明英汉词典》 Many charities sent money to help the victims of the famine. 许多慈善机构捐款赈济饥民。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 disasters such as floods and famine 水灾和饥荒这一类灾难 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 The civil war is obstructing distribution of famine relief by aid agencies. 内战阻碍着救援机构对饥荒赈济物资的配给。 柯林斯例句 We can deliver supplies and work to break the back of the famine. 我们可以运送物资,努力解决饥荒中最关键的问题。 柯林斯例句 This is not another appeal for famine relief. 这不是为赈济饥荒的又一次募捐。 柯林斯例句 英英释义Noun1. an acute insufficiency2. a severe shortage of food (as through crop failure) resulting in violent hunger and starvation and death
词根词缀后缀: -ine 1. 表形容词,"……的"; 2. 表名词,"状态,药物等"; 3. "物体"; 4. 表名词,"人或女人" adj.canine 犬的,犬科的can狗+ine……的→adj.犬的,犬科的 elephantine 笨拙的,巨大的elephant大象+ine……的→adj.笨拙的,巨大的 marine 海的,海生的;船舶的,航海的mari海+ine……的→marine海的,海生的 pristine 太古的,纯洁的,新鲜的prist=first首先,最初+ine……的→adj.太古的,纯洁的,新鲜的 routine 常规的,例行的route路线,路程+ine……的→adj.常规的,例行的 saturnine 忧郁的,阴沉的saturn魔鬼+ine……的→adj.忧郁的,阴沉的 serpentine 似蛇般绕曲的,蜿蜒的serpent蛇+ine……的→adj.似蛇般绕曲的,蜿蜒的 n.antifebrine [化]乙醯胺苯,退热冰anti反+febr热+ine状态,药物等→n.[化]乙醯胺苯,退热冰 caffeine 咖啡因caffee咖啡+ine状态,药物等→caffeine→咖啡因 famine 饥荒,饥馑fam饿+ine状态,药物等→n.饥荒,饥馑 iodine 碘,碘酒iod碘+ine状态,药物等→n.碘,碘酒 routine 例行公事,常规route路线,路程+ine状态,药物等→routine常走的路线→常规 vaseline 凡士林,凡士林的商标名vasel+ine状态,药物等→由商标名转化而来 concubine 小老婆,妾,情妇con一起+cub躺+ine人或女人→一起躺着的人→情妇 figurine 小塑像,小雕像figure形体,蒴像+ine人或女人→figurine小塑像 heroine 女英雄;女主角hero英雄+ine人或女人→n.女英雄;女主角 philistine 庸人,市侩philist菲力斯人+ine人或女人→n.庸人,市侩
同义词辨析hunger, famine, starvation这些名词均有"饥饿"之意。 hunger: 普通用词,指人体对于食物迫切需要的正常生理现象。famine: 指因天灾人祸而引起大规模饥荒;用作引申,指严重缺乏某种物资或人力。starvation语气比hunger强得多。指因长期缺乏食物所造成的痛苦,甚至死亡,侧重人为的灾难所致。
同义词n.饥荒;饥饿;奇缺absencelackstarvationdeficiencywantneedshortage 其他释义absenceshortagewantscarcitylackneeddeficiencystarvation 反义词n.奇缺affluenceplentyabundance