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glorification- 英?[?ɡl?:r?f?'ke??n]
- 美?[?ɡl?r?f?'ke??n]
实用场景例句Glorification - A change of place, a new condition with God. 得荣─在神面前新处境,改变了我们的结局. 互联网 Salvation is inasmuch as it entails deliverance from judgment to final glorification. 救恩是末世性的,由于它讲到从审判中被拯救,进入最后的荣耀里. 互联网 They like self - glorification, though most of the time they just say something and nothing more. 他们喜欢自吹自擂, 尽管多数情况下只是说说而已. 互联网 The dominant idea was to be the glorification of horticulture and the exaltation of agriculture. 其主题是对园艺的赞颂,以及对农艺感到兴奋. 互联网 Blossoming carefully And striving perseveringly contribute to the best promise And glorification to life. 认真地绽放,不懈地奋斗就是对于生命最好的承诺,最好的赞颂. 互联网 英英释义Noun1. a state of high honor;"he valued glory above life itself" 2. a portrayal of something as ideal;"the idealization of rural life was very misleading" 3. the act of glorifying (as in worship);"the glorification of God"
词根词缀后缀: -ification 表名词,由ific变化而来,"产生,……化",通常在fy,ty结尾的动词后 n.amplification 放大ampl=ample充足的,详细的+ification产生,……化→放大后看得更加详细 beautification 美化beauty美丽+ification产生,……化→beautification美化 clarification 澄清;纯化clarify澄清的名词→n.澄清;纯化 deification 神化,崇拜deify神化+ification产生,……化→deification神化,崇拜 glorification 赞颂;美化glorify使更壮丽,赞扬+ification产生,……化→n.赞颂;美化 magnification 扩大,放大倍率magn大+ification产生,……化→n.扩大,放大倍率 modification 缓和;修改;修饰modify修改+ification产生,……化→modification修改 ramification 分支,支流ramify分枝+ification产生,……化→ramification分支,支流 verification 确认,查证,作证verify证实,查证的名词→n.确认,查证,作证