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humbleCET4/CET6/考研/GRE/TOEFL/IELTS 词态变化- 第三人称单数:?humbles;
- 过去式:?humbled;
- 过去分词:?humbled;
- 现在分词:?humbling;
- 比较级:?humbler;
- 最高级:?humblest;
- 副词:?humbly;
实用场景例句The world champion was humbled last night in three rounds. 这位世界冠军昨晚三个回合就被轻松击败。 牛津词典 a humbling experience 一次令人惭愧的经历 牛津词典 He was humbled by her generosity. 她的大度使他觉得自己渺小。 牛津词典 ‘Sorry, ’ she said humbly. “对不起。”她谦逊地说。 牛津词典 I would humbly suggest that there is something wrong here. 愚以为这里有点错误。 牛津词典 The company has worked its way up from humble beginnings to become the market leader. 公司已从创业期的微不足道发展成了市场的主导者。 牛津词典 a humble farmhouse 小农舍 牛津词典 the daughter of a humble shopkeeper 一位小店主的女儿 牛津词典 a humble occupation 卑下职业 牛津词典 a man of humble birth/origins 出身低微的人 牛津词典 My humble apologies . I did not understand. 对不起。我没有弄懂。 牛津词典 In my humble opinion , you were in the wrong. 依拙见,你错了。 牛津词典 my humble tribute to this great man 鄙人对这位伟人的敬意 牛津词典 Be humble enough to learn from your mistakes. 要虚心地从自己的错误中学习。 牛津词典 I am sure millions of viewers were humbled by this story. 我相信数百万观众看了这个故事后都会感到自己的渺小。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Ted's words humbled me... 特德的话让我感到自惭。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Third-placed Barnet were humbled 3-0 at Crewe. 排名第三的巴尼特队以0–3的比分在克鲁遭遇惨败。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Honda won fame in the 1980s as the little car company that humbled the industry giants... 本田在20世纪80年代作为一家轻易挫败行业巨头的小汽车公司而声名鹊起。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Anson was forced to eat humble pie and publicly apologise to her. 安森被迫认错并公开向她道歉。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 It is, in my humble opinion, perhaps the best steak restaurant in Great Britain. 依拙见,这可能是英国最好的牛排馆。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Varndell made his own reflector for these shots from a strip of humble kitchen foil. 瓦恩德尔用一狭条普通的厨房用箔纸自制了反光板来拍摄这些照片。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 There are restaurants, both humble and expensive, that specialize in them... 专门做这些菜的餐馆既有毫不起眼的也有价格昂贵的。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 He came from a fairly humble, poor background. 他出生在一个地位相当低下的贫穷家庭。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Spyros Latsis started his career as a humble fisherman in the Aegean... 斯皮罗斯·拉齐斯的第一份职业是爱琴海上一名地位卑贱的渔夫。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Andy was a humble, courteous and gentle man. 安迪是个谦逊而且彬彬有礼的绅士。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 He gave a great performance, but he was very humble... 他的表演非常出色,但他却很谦虚。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 英英释义Adjective1. low or inferior in station or quality;"a humble cottage" "a lowly parish priest" "a modest man of the people" "small beginnings" 2. marked by meekness or modesty; not arrogant or prideful;"a humble apology" "essentially humble...and self-effacing, he achieved the highest formal honors and distinctions"- B.K.Malinowski 3. used of unskilled work (especially domestic work)4. of low birth or station (`base' is archaic in this sense);"baseborn wretches with dirty faces" "of humble (or lowly) birth"
词根词缀词根: hum =earth,表示"土,地" adj.human 人的,人类的 hum土,地+an表名词和形容词,人→传说中人是土造出来的 humane 人道的,慈悲的human[adj.人的,人类的 n.人]+e→有人情的 humble 谦卑的,恭顺的;地位低下的 hum土,地+ble→接近地面→低下的 humid 充满潮湿的, 湿润的, 多湿气的hum土,地+id……的→离地近潮湿 nonhuman 非人类的non非+human人的,人类的→adj.非人类的 posthumous 死后的,遗腹的post后+hum土+ous……的→入土表示死→死后的 unhuman 非人类的,无人类属性的un非+human人的,人类的→adj.非人类的,无人类属性的 n.human 人hum土,地+an表名词和形容词,人→传说中人是土造出来的 humidity 湿气,湿度humid湿润的+ity表名词→n.湿气,湿度 humiliation 羞辱, 蒙耻humiliate[v.使羞辱,使丢脸[同]]+ion表名词→n.羞辱, 蒙耻 humility 谦逊,谦恭hum土,地+ility=ity状态→接近地面的状态→低下的状态 hummock 小园丘hum土,地+mock园丘→土丘 v.exhume 掘出,挖出ex出+hum土+e→出土→挖出 humble 降低,贬低hum土,地+ble→接近地面→低下的 humiliate 使羞辱,使丢脸[同]hum土,地+iliate=ate使……→使接近地面,使低下→使丢脸 inhume 埋葬, 把……土葬in进入+hum土,地+e→进入土中
词组搭配eat humble piemake a humble apology and accept humiliation. umbles 低声下气地道歉(接受羞辱) my humble abodeused to refer to one's home with an ironic or humorous show of modesty or humility 寒舍 your humble servant(archaic or humorous)used at the end of a letter or as a form of ironic courtesy (古或幽默)您卑微的仆人,卑职 [用于信件结尾,或作为讽刺性的谦 恭] your most humble servant, George Porter. 您最卑微的仆人,乔治?波特。
同义词辨析humble, humiliate, degrade, disgrace这些动词均含有"使丢脸,使受耻辱"之意。 humble常可和degrade换用,强调降级所带来的耻辱;也多指自卑和感到渺小无能的心理状态。humiliate: 指损伤或剥夺自尊感,损坏自尊心,强调蒙受耻辱。degrade: 指因过失而受到降级、阶格;也多指因自身的境遇而感到耻辱。disgrace: 指降低某人在他人心目中的地位,使其丢脸。
modest, humble这两个形容词都有"谦恭的"之意。 modest: 含义广泛,指行为或态度等方面不自大、不虚荣、不傲慢、不武断和不自负。humble: 指精神和行为上的谦逊。褒义指对自己或自己的成就不骄傲;贬义指过低地评价自己,对人低声下气。
同义词adj.谦虚的;卑下的meeklowlymodestmild adj.谦逊的;简陋的plainsimplemodestunpretentioushomelymeek 其他释义imputeunpretentiousplainmodestsimplehomelyunassumingmeek 反义词adj.谦逊的;卑微的;简陋的nobleproudexaltedimmodestmagnificentloftyhaughty 其他释义insolentproudarrogantexaltgrandmagnifynoble