释义 |
indictmentCET4/CET6 - 英?[?n?da?tm?nt]
- 美?[?n?da?tm?nt]
释义- n.
诉状,起诉书; <尤美>刑事起诉书; 控告,起诉
实用场景例句The poverty in our cities is a damning indictment of modern society. 我们的城市中贫民的苦况是现代社会的一大败象。 牛津词典 This led to his indictment on allegations of conspiracy. 这件事最终使他被控犯有共谋罪。 牛津词典 It's a sad indictment of society that policemen are regarded as easy targets by thugs. 警察很容易就成了暴徒下手袭击的对象,这是一个社会的悲哀。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Prosecutors may soon seek an indictment on racketeering and fraud charges... 检举官可能不久就会以敲诈勒索与欺诈罪名提起诉讼。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 The government's indictment against the three men alleged unlawful trading. 政府在对这三个人的起诉书中指控他们从事非法贸易。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 The indictment accuses Gowadia of helping China design a cruise missile with stealth capabilities. 起诉控告戈瓦迪亚帮助中国采用隐形能力设计一种巡航导弹. 期刊摘选 Though facing indictment, Katsav does not intend to resign Tuesday, said Israeli Channel 10. 据以色列10频道电视台说,尽管面临被起诉的境地, 星期二卡察夫还没有表示辞职的意向. 期刊摘选 That reads like an indictment, until you consider the alternatives. 这个听上去——在你没找到别的词前——像控罪. 期刊摘选 An indictment is merely accusation and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty. 起诉书只是指控,被告清白,除非被证明有罪. 期刊摘选 I don't see enough evidence for a grand jury indictment. 我没看到足够证据能够使陪审团起诉. 电影对白 The book is an indictment of modern philosophy. 这本书是对现代哲学的控诉. 期刊摘选 Draft of an indictment which is examined by the court, and when sign become an indictment. 法院审核签字后成为公诉的草稿. 期刊摘选 That suspension is a sorry indictment of the politicians who failed to reach a deal. 多哈回合谈判的中止是由于政客们难以达成交易,这样的结果让人惋惜. 期刊摘选 An information is an accusation presented directly by the prosecutor without a grand jury indictment. 检察机关的起诉书指无需大陪审团的公诉书,由检察官直接提起的指控. 期刊摘选 It developed that he had another wife living and his indictment for bigamy followed. 以后发现他又娶了一房妻室,接着是他被指控犯了重婚罪. 《简明英汉词典》 However, he got his indictment deferred. 但是, 他的判决却延期了. 辞典例句 Prosecutors yesterday released a revised indictment that charged 19 people with offences. 检察官昨天公布了一份修改过的诉状,指控19人犯罪. 期刊摘选 They issued an indictment against them. 他们起诉了他们. 《简明英汉词典》 He insists he is innocent and that his arrest, without a formal indictment, is political persecution. 他坚称自己是无辜的, 未经过正式起诉就逮捕他实为政治迫害. 期刊摘选 She was convicted on an indictment for conspiracy. 她被控以共谋罪,罪名成立. 《简明英汉词典》 In English law an indictment runs in the following form. 在英格兰法中,起诉书以下列格式拟定. 辞典例句 Her speech was a scathing indictment of the government's record on crime. 她的演讲强烈指责了政府在犯罪问题上的表现. 《简明英汉词典》 He handed up the indictment to the supreme court. 他把起诉书送交最高法院. 《简明英汉词典》 The Crown Court deals with criminal trails on indictment. 皇家刑事法庭根据起诉进行刑事审判. 期刊摘选 The eighth indictment is that its spread would wreck the country and ruin the people. 第八条罪状是:传播出去,祸国殃民. 期刊摘选 The clerk to the justice read out the indictment. 法官秘书宣读了起诉书. 期刊摘选 The American indictment of China as an NME is defended now from inside a glass house. 美国像站在玻璃房子中辩护针对中国非市场经济运营的指控. 期刊摘选 However , he got his indictment deferred, upon promise to discover his accomplices. 但是他的判决却延期了, 因为他答应去找出他的一切同谋犯. 辞典例句 Two men were named in the indictment. 起诉书中提及两个男人. 《简明英汉词典》 真题例句This top-down conception of the fashion business couldn’t be more out of date or at odds with the feverish would described in Overdressed, Elizabeth Cline’s three-year indictment of “fast fashion”. 出自-2013年考研阅读原文 This top-down conception of the fashion business couldn't be more out of date or at odds with the feverish world described in Overdressed, Elizabeth Cline's three-year indictment of "fast fashion". 2013年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ 词根词缀词根: dict =say/assert,表示"说话,断言,写" adj.contradictory 对立的;引起矛盾的,爱反驳别人的contradict[v.反驳;矛盾]+ory……的→adj.对立的;引起矛盾的,爱反驳别人的 vindictive 报复性的vin力量+dict说话,断言,写+ive……的→adj.报复性的 n.addiction 沉溺,上瘾addict[v.上瘾,入迷]+ion动作或状态→n.沉溺,上瘾 benediction 祝福bene好+dict说+ion表名词→说好话 diction 措辞dict说话,断言,写+ion状态→说话状态→措辞 dictionary 词典,字典diction[n.措辞]+ary物→措辞的书→字典 dictum 格言,声明dict说话,断言,写+um→说[出]的话→格言 edict 法令,命令e出+dict说话,断言,写→说出→布告 index 索引,[数学]指数, 指标, [刻度盘上]指针 in进入+dex=dict说话,断言,写→说进去→索引,使其明白→指标,指针 dictator 独裁者,专政者dictate[v.口授;[使]听写;指令,指示,命令]+or人→发命令者 interdict 禁令inter在……中间+dict说话,断言,写→在中间说,不让做 jurisdiction 管辖权;司法权juris司法+dict说话,断言,写+ion表名词→n.管辖权;司法权 malediction 诅咒male坏+dict说+ion表名词→说坏话 prediction 预言,预告;预报predict[v.预言,预报]+ion动作或状态→n.预言,预告;预报 valediction 告别演说,告别词vale再见+dict说话,断言,写+ion表名词→说再见 verdict [陪审团的]裁决,判决;判断;定论ver真实+dict说话,断言,写→说真话 indictment 控告indict[v.控诉,起诉]+ment表名词→n.控告 v.addict 上瘾,入迷ad一再+dict说→一再说起→对……入迷 contradict 反驳;矛盾contra反+dict说→反着说→反驳 dictate 口授;[使]听写;指令,指示,命令dict说话,断言,写+ate表动词→说话→口授,命令 index 索引in进入+dex=dict说话,断言,写→说进去→索引,使其明白→指标,指针 indict 控诉,起诉in进去+dict说话,断言,写→进去说 indite 写[文章,信等]创作, 赋诗, 创作in使……进入+dite=dict说话,断言,写→写进,写作 interdict 禁止,切断[补给线] inter在……中间+dict说话,断言,写→在中间说,不让做 predict 预言,预报pre预先+dict说→预先说→预言