The robust stabilization control for one machine infinite bus electric power systems with ASVG is studied.
研究了包含静止无功发生器(ASVG) 的单机-无穷大电力系统的鲁棒镇定控制.
The robust stabilization control for one - machine infinite - bus power systems with STATCOM ( static synchronous compensator ) is studied.
研究包含静止同步补偿器 ( STATCOM ) 的单机 - 无穷大电力系统鲁棒镇定控制.
A non - affine nonlinear model for a single - machine infinite - bus system with static VAR compensator ( SVC ) is established.
对于含 静止无功补偿器 的 单机 无穷大系统建立了 非 仿射非线性模型.