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inflictionCET4/CET6/GRE - 英?[?n'fl?k?n]
- 美?[?n?fl?k??n]
实用场景例句We are not the sage and escape the infliction of love. 我们不是圣人,摆脱不了感情的折磨. 互联网 Infliction of severe physical pain as a punishment or coercion. 一种疼痛或痛苦的有意施加. 互联网 Don't immerse ourself in this infliction too long. 不要沉浸在这自行施加太长. 互联网 The infliction occasion of the sustain is influenced by the Soil character on ground. 单支撑施加时机的选择受到现场土性参数的影响较大. 互联网 词根词缀词根: flict =strike,表示"打击" n.affliction 折磨,痛苦af一再+flict打+ion表名词→一再打→折磨 conflict 冲突con共同+flict打→一起打斗→冲突 infliction [强加于人身的]痛苦,刑罚inflict[v.使遭受[损伤,苦痛等],使承受[on,upon]]+ion表名词→n.[强加于人身的]痛苦,刑罚 v.afflict 使身体或精神受痛苦,折磨af一再+flict打击→折磨 inflict 使遭受[损伤,苦痛等],使承受[on,upon]in进入+flict打击→进入打斗→导致痛苦