a phenomenon identified by researcher Manu Kapur.
In a paper published recently, Kapur applied the principle of productive failure to mathematical problem solving in three schools
The apparent struggles of the floundering (挣扎的)group have what Kapur calls a "hidden efficacy": they lead people to understand the deep structure of problems, not simply their correct solutions.
But, Kapur notes, none of us like to fail, no matter how often Silicon Valley entrepreneurs praise the beneficial effects of an idea that fails or a start-up company that crashes and burns
What does Kapur disapprove of in teaching?
What kind of problem should be given to students to solve according to Kapur
Kapur points out that while the model adopted by many teachers when introducing students to new knowledge―providing lots of structure and guidance early on, until the students show that they can do it on their own―makes intuitive sense, it may not be the best way to promote learning.
Kapur has identified three conditions that promote this kind of beneficial struggle