释义 |
batonGRE - 英?['b?t?n]
- 美?[b??tɑn, b?-, ?b?tn]
实用场景例句a baton charge (= one made by police carrying batons , to force a crowd back) 持警棍驱击 牛津词典 to pass/hand over the baton 交接力棒 牛津词典 (figurative)The President handed over the baton (= passed responsibility) to his successor. 总统把权杖传给了他的继任者。 牛津词典 Does this mean that the baton of leadership is going to be passed to other nations? 这是不是意味着要把领导权交给其他国家? 柯林斯高阶英语词典 A city of central Louisiana on the Red River northwest of Baton Rouge. 亚历山大美国路易斯安那州中部城市,位于巴吞鲁日的西北部的红河沿岸. 期刊摘选 The police made a baton charge. 警察用警棍将群众驱退. 辞典例句 He even offered to bring me a baton and show me how to hold it. 他甚至提出送给我一根指挥棒,并且可以教我如何握棒. 期刊摘选 With his baton the conductor was beating time. 指挥用指挥棒打着拍节. 辞典例句 The conductor beat time with a baton. 指挥用指挥棒打着拍子. 《简明英汉词典》 He's mutual assistance agency wealth is one kind of pattern as the baton development pattern. 费罗财富互助机构的互助模式是壹种接力棒似的发展模式. 期刊摘选 Each runner passes the baton to the next. 每个赛跑选手都把接力棒传给下一个人. 《简明英汉词典》 In the gallery, the bandmaster, his baton poised, stood waiting for a signal. 音乐廊中, 乐队指挥举着指挥棒, 站在那儿等待发出信号. 辞典例句 They threatened to baton him to death. 他们声言要揍死他. 《现代英汉综合大词典》 Bantam Lyons'yellow blacknailed fingers unrolled the baton. 班塔姆·莱昂斯用指甲发黑的黄色手指打开了报纸卷儿. 期刊摘选 Additional footage from Channel 4 News appeared to show him being hit with a baton. 4频道新闻的额外镜头似乎表明他受了警棍的击打. 期刊摘选 But the baton that whether can they follow a government is migratory? 但他们是否会跟着政府的指挥棒迁移 呢 ? 期刊摘选 She raised the baton ; she tapped the music stand twice. 她挥动起指挥棒; 敲击了乐谱架两下. 期刊摘选 The reactionary police made a baton charge on the demonstrating crowd. 反动警察用警棍驱散示威的人群. 《现代英汉综合大词典》 The conductor beat time a baton. 指挥用指挥棒打拍子. 期刊摘选 He does not use a baton for conducting. 他指挥乐队没有使用指挥棒. 期刊摘选 I love t h at I do an answer of a baton. 例子)我最喜欢做指挥棒的回答. 期刊摘选 The drum majorette twirled her baton. 鼓乐队女队长快速地转动她的指挥棒. 辞典例句 They were driven back by a police baton charge. 他们被警察用警棍赶了回去. 《简明英汉词典》 He has his commander's baton in his hand. He is well built, carrying his armor easily. 他手握指挥杖, 身材魁梧,披着铠甲满不当一回事. 期刊摘选 We can't dance to his baton. 我们不能跟他的指挥棒转. 《简明英汉词典》 The policeman used his baton to battle with the rascal. 警察用警棍和歹徒搏斗. 辞典例句 Five people were injured in the baton charge. 五人遭警棍攻击受伤. 《简明英汉词典》 Baton Flashlight, Xenon Tactical flashlight, LED hard anodized aluminum flashlight. 警棍电筒,气号灯, 战术电筒, LED硬氧铝电筒. 期刊摘选 He once again raised his baton and brought in the brass. 他再次举起指挥棒,让铜管乐部加入进来。 柯林斯例句 Does this mean that the baton of leadership is going to be passed to other nations? 这是不是意味着要把领导权交给其他国家? 柯林斯例句 英英释义Noun1. a thin tapered rod used by a conductor to direct an orchestra2. an implement passed from runner to runner in a relay race
词根词缀词根: bat =beat,表示"打,击" n.baton 指挥棒,警棍bat打,击+on表名词→n.指挥棒,警棍 battalion 营;[常bat打,击+alion表名词→battalion→打的[队伍]→部队的营 batter 牛奶面糊;击球员bat打,击+er反复做→batter接连重击 battle 战役,战斗;斗争 bat打,击+tle表动词→n.战役,战斗;斗争 v.战斗,斗争,搏斗 rebate 折扣,回扣re回+bat打,击+e→打回去的[东西]→回扣 n.&v.combat 战斗,搏斗,格斗com共同+bat打,击→共同打→战斗 debate 争论,辩论de加强+bat打,击+e→加强打击→反驳,辩论 v.abate 减轻,降低a不+bat打,击+e→不再打击→减轻[痛苦]等 batter 接连重击;磨损 bat打,击+er反复做→batter接连重击 battle 战斗,斗争,搏斗bat打,击+tle表动词→n.战役,战斗;斗争 v.战斗,斗争,搏斗
后缀: -on 表名词,"人,物或物理上一些名词" n.automaton 自动机器,机器人auto自己+mat动+on人,物或物理上一些名词→n.自动机器,机器人 baron 男爵;贵族;巨商bar拉丁文baro,意为男人+on人,物或物理上一些名词→n.男爵;贵族;巨商 baton 指挥棒,警棍bat打+on人,物或物理上一些名词→n.指挥棒,警棍 carton 硬纸盒,硬纸箱,塑料盒[箱]cart=card纸板+on人,物或物理上一些名词→n.硬纸盒,硬纸箱,塑料盒[箱] electron 电子electr电+on物理上一些名词→n.电子 felon 重罪犯fel+on人,物或物理上一些名词→来自拉丁文fello,意为恶棍 glutton 贪吃者glut吃+on人,物或物理上一些名词→glutton贪吃者 mason 石工,石匠mas大概为make的意思+on人,物或物理上一些名词→n.石工,石匠 neutron 中子neutr=neutral中间的+on人,物或物理上一些名词→n.中子 patron 赞助人;资助人;老顾客,老主顾patr父亲+on人,物或物理上一些名词→像父亲一样的人 photon [物]光子photo光+on人,物或物理上一些名词→photon光子 proton 质子,氕核prot第一+on人,物或物理上一些名词→n.质子,氕核 pylon 高压电线架,桥塔pyl+on人,物或物理上一些名词→来自希腊词pulon,意为大门口,门道 crayon 彩色笔,粉笔或其绘画cray拉丁文粉笔之意+on人,物或物理上一些名词→n.彩色笔,粉笔或其绘画
词组搭配pass (on) the batonhand over a particular duty or responsibility 移交责任 take up (或 pick up) the batonaccept a duty or responsibility 接受责任 under the baton of(of an orchestra or choir) conducted by (管弦乐队,唱诗班)由…指挥