Objective : L - Tryptophan was enzymatically synthesized by tryptophanase in genetic engineering strain WW - 11 from L - cysteine and indole.
以L - 半胱氨酸和吲哚为底物,利用色氨酸酶基因工程菌WW - 11酶法合成L - 色氨酸.
Based on the experimental data, the partitioning equilibrium constant of L tryptophan L Trp was obtained.
根据氨基酸的分配平衡数据, 获得了TOMAC萃取色氨酸的萃取平衡常数.
Stable isotope labeled L - tryptophan is an application of nucleus technology in amino acids.
稳定同位素标记的L - 色氨酸是核技术在氨基酸方面的应用.