CTU allow detection of lesions that could never be seen on IVP in 11 patients.
所有IVP所 提示的病变,SCTU均能发现.11例IVP不 能确定者于SCTU明确诊断.
However, there a growing interest in a much more difficult problem related to IVP, i . e.
但是, 现在人们对困难得多的逆初值问题越来越感兴趣.
Before the operations, all the patients underwent B - ultrasonography and CT scaning, 240 received intravenous pyelography and 75 MRI.
术前所有患者均行B超和CT检查, 240例行静脉肾盂造影(IVP),75例行核磁共振(MRI) 检查.