释义 |
abundant rainfall- 英?[??b?nd?nt ?re?n?f?:l]
- 美?[??b?nd?nt ?ren?f?l]
实用场景例句The territory of high mountains, dense forests, abundant rainfall, humid climate. 境内崇山峻岭, 森林茂密, 雨量充沛, 气候潮湿. 互联网 The territory of warm and humid climate, abundant rainfall. 境内气候温暖湿润, 雨量充沛. 互联网 Ample sunshine, abundant rainfall, mild climate and humid, Four Seasons Evergreen plants. 日照充足, 降水丰富, 气候温和湿润, 植物四季长青. 互联网 Inside a mild climate, abundant rainfall, the south - eastern forests and shrubs. 境内气候温和, 雨量充沛, 东南部有森林和灌木. 互联网 Mild climate and abundant rainfall, rich water resources. 气候温和,雨量充沛, 水利资源丰富. 互联网 Inside moist climate, abundant rainfall, verdant vegetation. 境内气候温润, 雨量充足, 草木葱郁. 互联网 Humid temperate climate, abundant rainfall, fertile soil loose. 气候温和湿润, 雨量充沛, 土壤疏松肥沃. 互联网 It has a subtropical marine climate with frequent frost, moderate temperature abundant rainfall, and is snow - free. 气候少霜无雪, 温和多雨, 属亚热带海洋气候. 互联网 British mutton enjoys a reputation for its delicacy caused by abundant rainfall and green tender grass. 英国羊肉因肉质细腻而享有盛誉,这都归功于充沛的降水和鲜嫩的绿草. 互联网 Is a subtropical monsoon climate zone, mild climate, four distinct seasons, abundant rainfall. 属亚热带季风气候区, 气候温和, 四季分明, 雨量充沛. 互联网 The new warehouse town, fertile land, four distinct seasons, abundant rainfall, long frost - free period . 新仓镇土地肥沃, 四季分明, 雨量充沛, 无霜期 长. 互联网 Foshan, mild climate, abundant rainfall and spring - is a fertile land of plenty since ancient times. 佛山气候温和, 雨量充足,四季如春,自古就是富饶的鱼米之乡. 互联网 The fresh air is sometimes humid from the abundant rainfall of this area. 清新的空气有时会因这地区充沛的降雨而潮湿. 互联网 There is abundant rainfall here and an average annual snowfall for winter 2.14 meters. 这里降水丰富,平均每年冬天降雪量为2.14米. 互联网 Zengzi's hometown . Here a mild climate, abundant rainfall and rich in resources, products affluent. 这里气候温和, 雨量充沛,资源丰富, 物产富庶. 互联网