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实用场景例句Spleen deficiency phlegm - wet storm: heavy limb pain, muscle atrophy or swelling. 脾虚湿困痰阻型: 患肢沉重疼痛, 肌肉萎缩或肿胀. 互联网 Flulike symptoms with diarrhea may progress to Back and limb pain, muscle tenderness and stiff neck. 类似流行性感冒的症状,带有腹泻,可能进展为背部和四肢疼痛, 肌肉敏感,颈部僵硬. 互联网 Wind - resistance sputum Yu: limb pain, numbness, skin flushes, not inconsistent temperature, acral gangrene visible ulcers. 风痰郁阻型: 患肢酸痛, 麻木, 皮肤潮红, 触之不温, 肢端可见溃疡坏疽. 互联网 Deficiency QDBS type: limb pain, dark purple, chapped skin, muscle atrophy, is not inconsistent temperature. 气虚血瘀型: 患肢疼痛, 紫暗, 皮薄干裂, 肌肉萎缩, 触之不温. 互联网 Some people think that hormones can control the illness and alleviate limb pain. 有人认为激素能控制病情发展和缓解患肢疼痛. 互联网 Lin Xue deficiency: limb pain, dried achene, acromegaly dishes, gangrenous ulcers can be seen, one's healing. 阴血两虚型: 患肢疼痛, 干瘦, 肢端暗红, 可见溃疡坏疽, 久不愈合. 互联网