When they discovered he was a spy, he became a marked man.
一旦他们识破他的间谍身分, 他的处境就变得十分危险.
He is a marked man for criticizing his boss who will fire him as soon as she can.
" You cheap mongrels don't know what's good for you!'screamed the pock - marked man.
黑麻子怒叫道: “ 不识好歹的贱狗!
汉英文学 - 林家铺子
By breaking the rule of absolute secrecy , he became a marked man.
他因违犯绝密条例, 成了处罚对象.
That makes Andrew Mitchell, the current development secretary, both a lucky and a marked man.
这一切让安德鲁米切尔,现任的发展部部长, 既幸运又遭人敌视.
When the gang discovered his hiding place, he knew he was a marked man.
当歹徒发现他的藏身之地时, 他知道他已成了被监视的对象.
When they discover you're a spy, you're a marked man.
他们一旦发现你是间谍, 你就会受到监视.
Paul Rusesabagina : You are a marked man, sir!
你是一位重要的人物, 先生!