Manganese Ore , Iron Ore , Molybdenum , Chromite , Non - Metallic Mineral Products.
采购产品锰矿石,矿砂,锄, 铬铁矿, 非金属 的矿物产品.
They are employed by coal, metal and non - metallic mineral mines and quarries.
他们从事行业的涉及范围有煤炭, 金属和 非金属 矿场和采石场.
The coatings, plastics, cosmetics and ceramic non - metallic mineral industries with large companies.
是涂料 、 塑胶 、 化妆品和陶瓷行业用 非金属 矿产的大型公司.
Shengzhou Yixing is endemic use of non - metallic mineral clay -- small, carefully selected, refining, refining shape.
嵊州紫砂是采用当地特有的 非金属 矿 -- 细陶土, 经过精选 、 精炼 、 精制成型.
Rich mineral resources, granite, tuff, 15 kinds of marble, and other non - metallic mineral and metal mining.
矿产资源丰富, 有花岗石 、 凝灰岩 、 大理石等15种 非金属 矿和金属矿.
It fit in grinding and dispersion of paints, inks, paints, paper, metal, non - metallic mineral.
应用于油漆, 油墨, 涂料,胶黏剂, 造纸, 金属, 非金属矿以及稀土材料的研磨与分散.
Non - metallic mineral resources are very rich in Inner Mongolia, but development and utilization are very poor.
我区 非金属 矿产资源丰富, 但开发利用程度很低.