释义 |
negligenceCET4/CET6/GRE/IELTS - 英?[?neɡl?d??ns]
- 美?[?neɡl?d??ns]
实用场景例句The accident was caused by negligence on the part of the driver. 事故是由于司机的过失造成的。 牛津词典 The doctor was sued for medical negligence. 这名医生因为引致医疗事故而被起诉。 牛津词典 The soldiers were ordered to appear before a disciplinary council on charges of negligence. 士兵们被控玩忽职守,被勒令接受纪律委员会的审查。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 The defendant will not be liable for every act that is caused by their negligence. 被告并不是对所有的过失行为负责. 期刊摘选 Many a customer has been lost through negligence of service. 由于服务不周失去了许多老主顾. 《现代汉英综合大词典》 They charged him with negligence of duty. 他们指责他玩忽职守. 《简明英汉词典》 It also stipulate the negligence the course of the contract and after the termination the contract. 同时还规定了缔约过失责任和合同终止后的过失责任. 期刊摘选 Donid was punished for his negligence in carrying out the task. 大卫因工作失误而受罚. 期刊摘选 For this I must reprimand you. This is your negligence. 这点我要怪你. 你怎么忘了找一个? 期刊摘选 They amended and reconstructed, they had their fashions and their phases of negligence. 他们的修订和改编, 有自己的格调,也有疏忽的方面. 辞典例句 The breach of the duty of care statutory can directly identify the existence of negligence. 对于成文法上民事注意义务违反的判断可以依法直接认定为有过失. 期刊摘选 The author adopts comparative analytical method, and then discusses some problems of contracting negligence responsibility. 通过采用比较分析法, 对缔约过失责任的相关问题进行探讨. 期刊摘选 The burden of proof lay on the plaintiff to prove negligence. 证明对方犯有疏忽罪的举证责任落在原告身上. 《简明英汉词典》 His negligence was nothing less than criminal. 他的粗心大意无异于犯罪. 《简明英汉词典》 Plaintiff, s negligence is defined by the applicable standard for a defendant, s negligence. 原告的过失应依据适用于被告过失的标准来定义. 期刊摘选 He was exasperated at the negligence of the officials. 他对这些官员的疏忽感到恼怒. 期刊摘选 The breach of this duty of care will lead to passive negligence. 对这种注意义务的违反将导致不作为过失. 期刊摘选 The accident was due to negligence. 事故是由于粗心大意引起的. 《简明英汉词典》 He was sharply reprimanded for his negligence. 他因玩忽职责而受到严厉的申斥. 辞典例句 The soliders dispatched him for negligence of duty. 士兵们因为他的玩忽职守把他杀了. 期刊摘选 This, perhaps, is not merely negligence. 这恐怕不会是一时的疏漏吧. 期刊摘选 The accident was in large part due to negligence. 事故大部分源于他的失职. 期刊摘选 The traffic accident was allegedly due to negligence. 这次车祸据说是由于疏忽造成的. 《现代汉英综合大词典》 The shortage of goods is due to the negligence of our staff. 备货不足是我们店里工作的失误. 期刊摘选 Any damage resulting from negligence ought to be paid for by the borrower. 因疏忽导火索的任何损坏都应由借用者负责赔偿. 期刊摘选 I believe what happened was negligence by humans or mechanical failure with old machinery. 我相信这次是人为的疏忽,或是机件的残旧所致. 期刊摘选 Ignorance and negligence has caused this mistake. 无知与疏忽是这错误的原因. 辞典例句 The court made a finding of contributory negligence. 法庭作出判决认定受害方犯有共同过失. 《简明英汉词典》 真题例句a basis for explaining human genetic diversityan aid to understanding different populationsan explanation for social and cultural differencesa term to describe individual human characteristicsmodern genetics research is likely to fuel racial conflictsrace is a poorly defined marker of human genetic diversityrace as a biological term can explain human genetic diversitygenetics research should consider social and cultural variablesit is absolutely necessary to put race aside in making diagnosisit is important to include social variables in genetics researchracial categories for genetic diversity could lead to wrong clinical predictionsdiscrimination against black people may cause negligence in clinical treatmentThey be more precise with the language they use. 出自-2016年12月阅读原文 英英释义Noun1. failure to act with the prudence that a reasonable person would exercise under the same circumstances2. the trait of neglecting responsibilities and lacking concern
词根词缀词根: lig 1. =tie,bind,表示"捆绑,联合,约束"; 2. =choose,gather,表示"选择,收集" adj.obligate 有责任的ob加强+lig捆绑,联合,约束+ate……的→adj.有责任的 religious 宗教的,信教的,虔诚的re+lig捆绑,联合,约束+ious……的→受信念约束的 diligent 勤勉的,勤奋的di分开+lig选择,收集+ent……的→分开选择,收集的,不一起选→勤勉的,勤奋的 elegant 优雅的;端庄的;雅致的e出+leg=lig选择,收集+ant……的→选出的→好的,高雅的 eligible 符合条件的;[尤指婚姻等]合适[意]的e出+lig选择,收集+ible……的→选出来的→合适[意]的 intelligent 聪明的, 伶俐的, 有才智的, [计]智能的intel=inter在……中间+lig选择,收集+ent……的→adj.聪明的, 伶俐的, 有才智的, [计]智能的 n.religion 宗教,信仰;信念,信条re+lig捆绑,联合,约束+ion表名词→受信念约束 elegance 优雅;优美,雅致;精致,巧妙e出+leg=lig选择,收集+ance表名词→好的,高雅的→优雅;优美 intelligence 智力,聪明;理解力;情报,消息,报导intel=inter在……中间+lig选择,收集+ence性质,状态→在中间选出好的人→智力 negligence 疏忽,粗心neg没有+lig选择,收集+ence表名词→没有选出→疏忽 v.oblige 迫使, 责成ob加强+lig捆绑,联合,约束+e→加强限制→迫使
词根: neg =deny,表示"否认,不用;没有" adj.negative 否定的,消极的,阴性的 negate否认+ive……的→negative否定的 negligible 可忽略不计的,微不足道的neg否认,不用;没有+lig选择+ible能……的→能不用选择的→可以忽视的 n.abnegation 拒绝;克己,自制abnegate[v.放弃]+ion表名词→n.拒绝;克己,自制 negative 负数;[摄影]底片negate否认+ive……的→negative否定的 negligence 疏忽,粗心neg否认,不用;没有+lig选择+ence表名词→不用选择→忽略 negotiation 商议, 谈判, 流通negotiate[v.商议, 谈判, 磋商,买卖]+ion表名词→negotiation商议, 谈判 renegade 叛教者,叛徒re反+neg否认+ade个人或集体→反过来否认原的[党]→背叛者 n.&v.neglect 忽视;疏忽,漏做,忽略neg否认,不用;没有+lect选择→不用选择→忽略 v.abnegate 放弃ab离去+negate取消→放弃 negate 取消,否认neg否认,不用;没有+ate表动词→v.取消,否认 negotiate 商议, 谈判, 磋商,买卖neg不+oti+ate做→不能做出决定→商议, 谈判 renege 背信,违约re反+neg否认,不用;没有+e→反过来否认→背信
后缀: -ence 表名词,"性质,状态" n.confluence 汇流con共同+flu流+ence性质,状态→共同流在一起→汇流 dependence 依靠,依赖;信任,信赖;隶属depend依靠+ence性质,状态→n.依靠,依赖;信任,信赖;隶属 despondence 沮丧,悲观de去掉+spond诺言+ence性质,状态→n.沮丧,悲观 independence 独立,自主in不+depend依靠+ence性质,状态→n.独立,自主 inference 推论infer推论+ence性质,状态→n.推论 innocence 无害,天真,无罪in无+noc害+ence表名词→n.无害,天真,无罪 insistence 坚持,强求insist坚持+ence性质,状态→n.坚持,强求 negligence 疏忽,粗心neg没有+lig选择+ence性质,状态→没有选出→疏忽 reverence 崇敬,敬礼revere尊敬,敬畏,崇敬+ence性质,状态→reverence silence 静,寂静,沉默,静默sil+ence性质,状态→n.静,寂静,沉默,静默 truculence 凶猛,粗暴trucul凶猛+ence性质,状态→n.凶猛,粗暴