My mother and my mother - in - law are getting on famously.
我母亲和我 婆婆 相处得很好.
As soon as his mother - in - law arrived, he made himself scarce.
他 岳母 一到, 他便溜走了.
Let me watch out and make a match for him,'said his mother - in - law.
让我为他留心做个媒罢. ”
汉英文学 - 围城
Even her mother - in - law's grass - covered grave mound became a source of comfort.
再则,孩子也渐渐地大了,茅屋里,斜坡上, 总 荡漾着他们的嚷叫和笑声.
汉英文学 - 中国现代小说
It wasn't exactly exciting either to have the empress as your mother - in - law .
没劲,认皇后作 丈母娘,这姑爷准不好当.
汉英文学 - 散文英译
" That's right,'said his mother - in - law.
丈母道: “ 这话对.
汉英文学 - 围城
She moved out because her mother - in - law is too bossy.
她的 婆婆 爱指使人,所以她搬出去住了.
Even the boisterous mirth of Sir John and his mother - in - law was interesting.
甚至约翰爵士和他 岳母 那喧嚣的快乐样子都成为有趣的.
Mr. Peter alluded to his difficulties with his mother - in - law .
彼得先生向他 岳母 很婉转的说出他的困难.
I'm Ellen Stewart, Marilyn's mother - in - law .
我叫EllenStewart, Marilyn的 婆婆.
My mother - in - law would discard them on the spot.
我的 岳母 是会当场把它们扔掉的.
She unloaded her mother - in - law on to me.
她将 婆婆 的负担推给我.
She is eminently calculated for a mother - in - law .
人家都说她做 婆婆 最合适不过了.
Kay helped her mother - in - law up the white stone steps and then let her go before her.
恺扶着 婆婆 上了白石台阶,然后放开手,让婆婆自己朝前走去.
And if he's divorced, who still talks to their mother - in - law ?
如果他是离了婚的人, 谁还会理会他的 岳母 呢 ?