释义 |
noncommittalGRE - 英?[?n?nk?'m?tl]
- 美?[?nɑnk??m?tl]
释义- adj.
不作许诺的; 不表态的; 不确定的; 含糊的
实用场景例句He was evasive and noncommittal. 他闪闪烁烁,不肯说明确. 《现代汉英综合大词典》 'Billy, I think it's your turn to wash the dishes,'said Jane. A noncommittal grunt was his only reply. “ 比利, 我想这次该轮到你刷盘子了, ” 简说. 他只是不置可否地咕哝了一声算作回答. 《简明英汉词典》 Sylvia's face was noncommittal. 西尔维娅一脸不置可否。 辞典例句 The White House spokesman was noncommittal on this question. 白宫发言人对这个问题不置可否. 辞典例句 The voice on the radio was suave and noncommittal. 收音机里的声音温和而平静. 辞典例句 I asked him to vote for me but he was noncommittal. 我请他投我一票,可是他仍模?两可的. 互联网 He was rather noncommittal. 他说得很活络. 互联网 But noncommittal is what we're all about. 可我们要的就是不承担义务. 互联网 The White House spokesman noncommittal on this question. “白宫”发言人对这个问题不置可否. 互联网 His face was the color of a freshly baked pork pie and as noncommittal ( Thomas Pynchon ) 他的脸色象刚刚烤过的猪肉饼,而且表情暖昧 ( 托马斯平琼 ) 互联网 In addition, between the two extremities of for - eignizaton and domestication, equalization forms a noncommittal translation strategy. 另外, 异化与归化只构成翻译策略的两极, 其中间地带是等化翻译. 互联网 His mouth now full of bread, Harry shrugged and gave a noncommittal jerk of the head. 哈利嘴里又塞满了面包, 只好耸耸肩膀,不置可否地甩了一下脑袋. 互联网 The developer of the price cuts, the industry has become increasingly recognized from the noncommittal up. 对于开发商的降价行动, 业内也从不置可否变得愈加认可起来. 互联网 英英释义Adjective1. very reluctant to give out information
词根词缀前缀: non- 表示"不,非" adj.nonchalant 冷漠的non不,非+chalant关心的→不关心的 noncommittal 态度暧昧的,含糊的non不,非+committal委托,承担义务→不忠诚的→暧昧的 nondescript 没有特征的,平凡的non不,非+descript描述→不能描述特征的 nonexistent 不存在的non不,非+existent存在的→adj.不存在的 nonparty 无党派的non不,非+party党→adj.无党派的 nonsmoking 不准吸烟的non不,非+smoking吸烟→adj.不准吸烟的 nonstop 直达的non不,非+stop停止→不停→直达的 n.nonconductor 不传导体, 绝缘体non不,非+conductor导体→n.不传导体, 绝缘体 nonconformist 不遵循传统竽活的人non不,非+conform一致+ist人→[和传统]不一致的人 nonentity 无能力之人,不重要non不,非+entity存在物→不是存在物→不重要的人 nonperson 受到排挤的人, 微不足道的人non不,非+person人→n.受到排挤的人, 微不足道的人 nonsuch 无与伦比的事物, 绝品, 极品non不,非+such这样的人或物→无匹敌的人 v.nonplus 使窘困,狼狈不堪non不,非+plus加→[连]加法都不知道