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Objective To investigate the efficacy of probing lacrimal passage in early period on neonatorum dacryocystitis.
Conclusion: The best period for treatment of the dacryocystitis neonatorum is between 3 - 6 months old.
结论: 3~6个月为治疗先天性泪囊炎的最佳年龄.
The rate of fetal distress, amniotic fluid turbidity, and cesarean section increased greatly ( P & lt; 0.01 ), asphyxia neonatorum increased ( P & lt; 0.05 ).
胎儿宫内窘迫 、 羊水粪染 、 剖宫产率明显增高 ( P & lt; 0.01 ), 新生儿窒息的发生率增高 ( P & lt; 0.05 ).