释义 |
appreciativeCET4/CET6 - 英?[??pri:??t?v]
- 美?[??pri??t?v, -?i?et?v]
实用场景例句The company was very appreciative of my efforts. 公司对我的努力十分赞赏。 牛津词典 an appreciative audience/smile 有欣赏力的观众;会意的微笑 牛津词典 appreciative laughter/comments 赞赏的笑声 / 议论 牛津词典 Mrs Hastings' eyes grow warmer and more appreciative with my every word. 我讲的每句话让黑斯廷斯夫人的眼神变得越来越热情,越来越充满欣赏。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 We have been very appreciative of their support... 我们对他们的支持一直心存感激。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Tom is genuinely appreciative of all the success he's had. 汤姆为他自己获得的所有成功由衷地感激。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 There is a murmur of appreciative laughter... 发出一阵赞赏的低笑声。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight; silence would teach him the joys of sound. 黑暗会使他更加珍惜视觉, 寂静能使他认识到声音的欢乐. 辞典例句 After the singer sang the melodious Jasnine Flower, I an appreciative whistle. 歌手唱完优美的茉莉花后我高兴地吹着口哨拍起手来. 期刊摘选 Is your boss appreciative of your efforts? 你的老板是否认可你的努力? 期刊摘选 We Christians today are appreciative of his boldness to withstand the evil tide. 我们这些今天的基督徒感激他面对邪恶浪潮的勇敢. 期刊摘选 Sichuan opera will enable travelers to become more appreciative of this unique art in Sichuan. 川剧能够使游客越来越喜爱四川的独特艺术. 期刊摘选 We are very appreciative of your efforts to push our products. 我们对你方为推销我们的产品所做的努力甚为感激. 辞典例句 I am very appreciative of your kindness. 我很感激你的厚意. 期刊摘选 With the development , of time , texturing method also embodies different appreciative features. 随着时代的发展, 皴法也体现出各自不同的审美特征. 期刊摘选 Virgo appreciative of practical gifts such as appliances and office supplies. 处女座喜欢实用的礼物,譬如器具、办公设备. 期刊摘选 Treat the reader with respect and friendliness and sincerity, and be tactful, thoughtful and appreciative. 尊重、友谊、真诚的面对读者, 并且机智 、 深思熟虑、怀有感激之心. 期刊摘选 Make clear the law of thought of appreciative reading. 明确鉴赏性阅读思维规律. 期刊摘选 Besides, being appreciative a very attractive trait in a person. 此外, 正在欣赏一个人是非常有吸引力的特点. 期刊摘选 At which Willi would give a small grudging appreciative smile. 对此,威利往往给出一个勉强赞赏的微笑. 辞典例句 He was appreciative of Paul's diligence. 他赏识保罗的勤奋. 辞典例句 She looked with appreciative eyes at the powerful young man clipping the hedge. 她以欣赏的目光看着那个修剪矮树篱的健壮的年轻人. 辞典例句 The appreciative audience applauded. 有欣赏力的观众鼓了掌. 《简明英汉词典》 She was deeply appreciative of your help. 她对你的帮助深表感激. 《简明英汉词典》 I am appreciative of her kindness. 我感激她的厚意. 《现代英汉综合大词典》 I should have desired an appreciative, thoughtful partner for him. 我本应该为他找一个有眼力有思想的伴侣. 辞典例句 He becomes more appreciative of the meaning of life and its permanent spiritual values. 他们对生活的意义和它永恒的精神价值变得更具欣赏力了. 期刊摘选 The venerable old man agrees with me, I'm really appreciative. 耆宿能认同我的意见, 我不胜感激. 期刊摘选 We are extremely appreciative of your friendly advice. 我们非常感谢你们友好的劝告. 期刊摘选 Dardness would make him more appreciative of sigh; silence would teach hin the joys of sound. 黑暗将使他更加感激光明, 寂静将告诉他声音的美妙. 期刊摘选 英英释义Adjective1. feeling or expressive of gratitude;"was appreciative of his efforts" "an appreciative word" 2. having or showing appreciation or a favorable critical judgment or opinion;"appreciative of a beautiful landscape" "an appreciative laugh from the audience"
词根词缀后缀: -ive 1. 表名词,"人或物等"; 2. 表形容词,"……的" adj.appreciative 感谢的,赞赏的appreciate欣赏+ive……的→adj.感谢的,赞赏的 conjunctive 连接的conjunct结合的,共同的+ive……的→adj.连接的 defective 有缺陷的defect过失;缺点+ive……的→adj.有缺陷的 digestive 消化的,有助消化的digest消化+ive……的→adj.消化的,有助消化的 educative 教育的,教育性的,教育上的educate教育,培养,训练+ive……的→educative教育的 elective 选任的,有选举权的,随意选择的elect选举,推选+ive……的→adj.选任的,有选举权的,随意选择的 imitative 模仿的imitate模仿+ive……的→imitative模仿的 indicative 指示的,预示的,可表示的indicate指示+ive……的→adj.指示的,预示的,可表示的 introductive 前言的,序文的,介绍的introduce引入,介绍+ive……的→introductive序文的,介绍的 locomotive 运动的,移动的,运载的loco地方+mot动+ive……的→从一个地方动到另一个地方→adj.运动的,移动的,运载的 meditative 沉思的,冥想的meditate想,考虑+ive……的→adj.沉思的,冥想的 receptive 善于接受的recept接受+ive……的→adj.善于接受的 regenerative 再生的,更生的regenerate改过自新的+ive……的→regenerative再生的 relative 相对的;相关的relate叙述,讲,使联系,发生关系+ive……的→relative相对的;相关的 subjective 主观的,个人的subject主题+ive……的→adj.主观的,个人的 recuperative 有助恢复健康的recuperate复原+ive……的→recuperative n.captive 俘虏capt抓+ive人或物等→抓住的人 defective 有缺陷的人defect过失;缺点+ive人或物等→n.有缺陷的人 fugitive 逃犯,逃亡者fug逃+it走+ive人→n.逃犯,逃亡者 locomotive 机车,火车头loco地方+mot动+ive物→从一个地方动到另一个地方→火车头 native 本地人,本国人nat本土的+ive人或物等→n.本地人,本国人 relative 亲戚,关系词,相关物,亲缘植物relate叙述,讲,使联系,发生关系+ive人或物等→n.亲戚,关系词,相关物,亲缘植物
词根: preci =value,表示"价值,估价" adj.appreciable 可估价的;可察觉的ap加强+preci价值,估价+able能……的→adj.可估价的;可察觉的 appreciative 感谢的,赞赏的appreciate[v.欣赏]+ive……的→adj.感谢的,赞赏的 precious 珍贵的,贵重的preci价值,估价+ous……的→有价值的 n.depreciation 折旧,价值下降depreciate[v.贬低,贬值]+ion表名词→n.折旧,价值下降 v.appreciate 欣赏ap一再+preci价值+ate表动词→一再给价→欣赏 depreciate 贬低,贬值de去掉+preci价值,估价+ate表动词→去掉价值→贬值
同义词辨析grateful, appreciative这两个形容词均有"感谢的,感激的"之意。 grateful: 普通用词,侧重因对方的恩惠、好意或帮助,从内心产生的感激之情。 appreciative与grateful基本同义,但语气较强,侧重以行动或言语来感谢。
同义词adj.感激的beholdengratefulindebtedobligedthankful adj.理解的,意识到awareconscioussensibleofcomprehendingapprehending 反义词adj.有欣赏能力的;感谢的inappreciative