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accountant高中/CET4/CET6/考研/TOEFL/IELTS - 英?[??ka?nt?nt]
- 美?[??ka?nt?nt]
实用场景例句A good accountant can analyze an unprofitable operation quickly. 一名优秀的会计师能迅速分析出亏损的环节. 辞典例句 The accountant went to prison for juggling his firm's accounts. 会计因涂改公司的帐目而入狱. 辞典例句 The accountant embezzled thousands of dollars while working for the wealthy family. 这名会计在为这个富裕家庭工作期间盗用了数千美元. 期刊摘选 The accountant checked this unnecessary spending in good time. 会计及时卡住了这笔不必要的开支. 《现代汉英综合大词典》 No suspicion can be attached to the accountant. 那位会计无任何嫌疑. 期刊摘选 Consequently, the accountant is superintended always is must. 因而, 会计监管总是必须的. 期刊摘选 On the other side of the room stood a postman, a lawyer and an accountant. 房间的另一边站着一位邮递员, 一名律师和一个会计师. 期刊摘选 Accountant report calculates change every month to have unified examination. 会计电算化每个月都有统一考试. 期刊摘选 Can I draw $ 500 from my accountant? 在我的帐户上能支取500元 嘛 ? 期刊摘选 His wife, Dee, an accountant at their home in Colorado Springs Colo. 他的家在科罗拉多州的科罗拉多泉市,他妻子迪伊(Dee)在那里做会计. 期刊摘选 It turned out that the accountant had doctored the accounts. 结果证实是会计在账目上做了手脚. 期刊摘选 That firm is looking for a new accountant. At present the salary they will offer has been left open. 那家公司正在物色一位新的会计, 工资多少尚未确定. 《简明英汉词典》 Payment operation handling according to company payment procedure, and bring bank notes to AP accountant timely. 根据公司付款流程进行付款并及时将银行票据转交至应付账款会计. 期刊摘选 In case of changing accountant office, the leading reporting bank shall also submIt'statement in writing. 如更换会计师事务所, 主报告行还应提交书面说明. 期刊摘选 The accountant ran off with money. 会计携款逃走了. 期刊摘选 This is a matter of life and death. You're saying it's like choosing an accountant? 这是生死问题. 而你说的好像在选一个会计师? 期刊摘选 An accountant is someone who knows the cost of everything and value of nothing. 会计师是知道每件东西价格而不知道其价值的人. 期刊摘选 At a minimum, you need a good attorney and a qualified accountant. 至少, 你需要一个好的律师和一位合格的管帐师. 期刊摘选 My uncle, an accountant, composes music as an avocation. 我叔叔是一位会计师, 作曲是他的嗜好. 期刊摘选 The chief accountant of a manufacturing group. 一个制造业集团的总会计师. 期刊摘选 The accountant is guilty of gross misconduct and he will be prosecuted. 这个会计犯了重大失误,将会被起诉. 期刊摘选 Tomorrow is the day of reckoning; the accountant will tell me what my profits were and how much tax I'll have to pay. 明天就是算总账的日子,会计师会告诉我有多少盈利, 该交多少税. 《简明英汉词典》 The accountant said it was the most humdrum day that she had ever passed. 会计师说这是她所度过的最无聊的一天. 《简明英汉词典》 He was going to college at night, in order to become an accountant. 为了成为会计师,他上夜校学习。 柯林斯例句 At this point, the accountant did a runner — with all my bank statements, expenses and receipts. 这个时候,会计溜了——带走了我所有的银行结算单、资金和收据。 柯林斯例句 Accountant John Talbot is a wizard with numbers. 会计师约翰·塔尔博特精通数字。 柯林斯例句 He began his professional life as an accountant, the very model of respectability and conservatism. 他开始了会计师的职业生涯,一份典型的体面而保守的工作。 柯林斯例句 I won't know how successful it is until an accountant has gone over the books. 要等到会计核查完账簿,我才会知道盈利状况如何。 柯林斯例句 She has an appointment with her accountant. 她和她的会计约好了见面。 柯林斯例句 He's not a bad chap—quite human for an accountant. 这个家伙人不坏——就会计来说已经很有人情味了。 柯林斯例句 真题例句I was making as much money as I was as an accountant. 出自-2017年6月阅读原文 英英释义Noun1. someone who maintains and audits business accounts
词根词缀后缀: -ant 1. 表名词,"……剂"; 2. 物质等.; 3. 表示"……人"; 4. 表形容词,"……的" adj.assistant 帮助的,辅助的 assist帮助+ant……人→adj.帮助的,辅助的 n.助手,助教;辅助物 discordant 不一致的,不调和的discord不合,不一致+ant……的→adj.不一致的,不调和的 extravagant 奢侈的extra超出+vag漫游,走+ant……的→走得过分→奢侈的 exuberant [人]充满活力的;[植物]茂盛的ex出+uber果实累累+ant……的→adj.[人]充满活力的;[植物]茂盛的 ignorant 不知道的;无知的,愚昧的ignore不理,不顾,忽视+ant……的→adj.不知道的;无知的,愚昧的 intoxicant 醉人的 in进入+toxic有毒的+ant……的→中毒了的→醉人的 repentant 对…感到悔恨的repent后悔+ant……的→adj.对…感到悔恨的 resistant [to]抵抗的,有抵抗力的resist抵抗+ant……的→adj.[to]抵抗的,有抵抗力的 retardant 延缓的,使迟滞的retard延迟+ant……的→adj.延缓的,使迟滞的 vibrant 振动的,明快的,生气勃勃的vibr摇摆+ant……的→振动的,有活力的 n.coagulant 凝结剂co共同+agul凝固+ant……剂→n.凝结剂 deodorant 除臭剂de去掉+odor气味+ant……剂→n.除臭剂 disinfectant 消毒剂disinfect消毒+ant……剂→n.消毒剂 lubricant 润滑剂lubric滑+ant……剂→n.润滑剂 pollutant 污染物质pollute弄脏,污染+ant物质→pollutant污染物质 retardant 延缓[作用]剂retard延迟+ant……剂→n.延缓[作用]剂 stimulant 兴奋剂,刺激物stimul=sting刺+ant……剂→n.兴奋剂,刺激物 accountant 会计人员,会计师account计算,帐目+ant……人→n.会计人员,会计师 aspirant 有抱负者aspire渴望,追求+ant……人→aspirant assistant 助手,助教;辅助物assist帮助+ant……人→adj.帮助的,辅助的 n.助手,助教;辅助物 consultant 顾问,商议者,咨询者consult商议,咨询+ant……人→n.顾问,商议者,咨询者 inhabitant 居民,住户inhabit居住于+ant表示人→n.居民,住户 participant 参与者part部分+cip抓+ant……人→抓住成为部分→参与者 peasant 农夫,乡下人peas+ant……人→n.农夫,乡下人 intoxicant 麻醉品; 酒类in进入+toxic有毒的+ant……的→中毒了的→醉人的