Symmetrical dancers were rated more positively than non - symmetrical ones, especially by women.
平衡性好的舞者比平衡性差的人得到的评价要高, 尤其是女性更加青睐平衡性好的人.
The results show that the failure was caused by abrupt non - symmetrical large stress from assembling process.
结果表明,轴承失效是由于在装配过程中,受到突发性 非 对称大应力所致.
To create a non - symmetrical, full of dynamic, free flowing but thin, lightweight, gorgeous decorative style complex.
创造出一种 非 对称的 、 富有动感的 、 自由奔放而又纤细 、 轻巧 、 华丽繁复的装饰样式.
Nokia to a rigid form of serious, non - symmetrical shape all the more avantgarde fashion.
一改诺基亚死板严肃的造型, 非 对称造型显得更加时尚前卫.