pig out &I{【俚语】}
To eat ravenously; gorge oneself
“a parent who asks a child, ‘Would you like to pig out on pizza?’”(&b{George F. Will})
bleed like a stuck pig
bleed copiously
in pig
(of a sow) pregnant
in a pig's eye
(informal, chiefly N. Amer.)expressing scornful disbelief at a statement
make a pig of oneself
make a pig's ear of
(Brit. informal)handle ineptly
on the pig's back
(Irish informal)living a life of ease and luxury; in a very fortunate situation
pig in the middle
a pig in a poke
something that is bought or accepted without knowing its value or seeing it first
pigs might (或 can) fly
(chiefly Brit.)used ironically to express disbelief
squeal or yell like a stuck pig
squeal or yell loudly and shrilly
sweat like a pig
(informal)sweat profusely
in a pig's eye&I{【俚语】}
Under no condition; never.
pig in a poke
Something that is offered in a manner that conceals its true nature or value.