Objective To analyze the immune state of the patients with OLP and to discuss its pathogenesis.
目的分析OLP患者 的免疫机能状态,探讨其发病机理,为OLP的 临床诊治提供思路.
RESULTS: Compared with healthy controls, the levels of INF - ? ? in OLP patients were significantly lower ( P < 0.05 )
结果: OLP患者外周血单个核细胞经PHA诱导培养,INF - γ的水平低于正常对照组 ( P<0.05 ).
Objective : To study on the relationship between candida albicans ( CA ), candida dubliniensis ( CD ) , other non - albicans candida species and oral lichen planus ( OLP ).
目的: 阐明口腔扁平苔藓 ( Orallichenplanus,OLP ) 与白色念珠菌 ( candida albicans,CA ) 关系同时,明确其与非白念致病性念珠菌关系.
Objective : To study the relationship between oral lichen planus ( OLP ) and hepatitis C virus ( HCV ) infection .
目的: 探讨口腔扁平 苔藓 与丙型肝炎 病毒感染 的关系.
Objective: To study the correlation between oral lichen planus and ABO blood types.
目的: 初步探讨口腔黏膜扁平苔藓(OLP)的发生与ABO血型的关系.