The L. D. Process uses a top - blow oxygen converter lined with heat - resistant brick.
L. D. 炼钢法使用炉内砌有耐火砖的氧气 顶吹 转炉.
英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语
The L . D . Process uses a top - blow oxygen converter lined with heat - resistant brick.
炼钢法使用炉内砌有耐火砖的氧气 顶吹 转炉.
Sub - lance carriage fall arrest mechanism relates to an oxygen supply equipment on a top - blown oxygen converter.
副枪小车防坠落机构,涉及一种氧气 顶吹 转炉上的供氧设备.
Oxygen converter can make not only all kinds of steel made in open - hearth - furnace, but also alloy - steel.
氧气转炉不但能炼所有的平炉钢种, 还能炼合金钢.