释义 |
词态变化- 第三人称单数:?precedes;
- 过去式:?preceded;
- 过去分词:?preceded;
- 现在分词:?preceding;
实用场景例句the years preceding the war 战前的几年 牛津词典 His resignation was preceded by weeks of speculation. 在他辞职之前,有关的猜测已持续了几个星期。 牛津词典 She preceded me in the job. 她是我这工作的前任。 牛津词典 See the preceding chapter. 请见前一章。 牛津词典 She preceded him out of the room. 她先于他走出屋子。 牛津词典 She preceded her speech with a vote of thanks to the committee. 她讲话的开头是对委员会的鸣谢。 牛津词典 Intensive negotiations between the main parties preceded the vote... 主要政党在选举前进行了集中的谈判。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 The earthquake was preceded by a loud roar and lasted 20 seconds... 地震前有一阵巨大的轰隆声,持续了20秒钟。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 He gestured to Alice to precede them from the room... 他给艾丽斯做手势,让她在他们前面离开房间。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 They were preceded by mounted cowboys. 他们前面是骑马的牛仔们。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Look at the information that precedes the paragraph in question... 查看正在讨论的这段文字前面的信息。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Repeat the exercises described in the preceding section. 把前一节要求的练习重做一遍。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 When consignor and shipper are debtors , consignor should precede to perform the obligation. 当发货人和托运人共同承担提货义务时,发货人应先于托运人履行该义务. 期刊摘选 All positional ( unnamed ) parameters must precede any named parameters. 所有的位置 ( 未命名 ) 参数必须位于任何命名的参数之前. 期刊摘选 Many countries precede ours in per capita income. 许多国家的人均收入超过我国. 期刊摘选 An impartial investigation should always precede condemnation. 任何不偏颇的调查应该在指责之上. 期刊摘选 The end time cannot precede the start time. Please enter a new time range. 结束时间不能先于开始时间. 请输入新的时间范围. 期刊摘选 Consonants are frequently assimilated to the consonants which they precede. 子音常被其后所接之子音所同化((如ads(成为ass)等)). 辞典例句 As mentioned before , vibrations almost always precede a seperation of bodies. 如前所述, 振动几乎总是出现在身体分离之前. 期刊摘选 He who believes is strong; he who doubts is weak. Strong convictions precede great actions. 相信的人是有力量的, 怀疑却带来软弱. 坚定的信念是伟大行动的先行者. 期刊摘选 Attributive adjectives precede the noun. 定语形容词位于名词前. 《简明英汉词典》 Let this development precede, and contributions, numberless, and of inestimable value, will be sure to follow. 优先发展这种教育, 那麽无数不可估量的贡献就必定接踵而至. 期刊摘选 Gametes may develop without fertilization, or meiosis may substantially precede gamete formation. 配子不经过受精也可能发育,若减数分裂先于配子形成,配子也可能发育. 期刊摘选 While studies and analyses precede decisions, any type of plan that some decision has been made. 尽管研究和分析先于决策, 但任何形式的计划都意味着某项决策已经制定. 期刊摘选 Events at the apuatic center begin soon after the opening precede the track and field events. 在开幕式结束后,不上运动中心就开始进行不上运动项目比赛,而田径比赛会稍微晚些进行. 期刊摘选 Certain sign precede certain event. 事情发生,必有先兆. 期刊摘选 Invalid date } The starting date must precede the finishing date. {日期无效}开始日期必须在完成日期之前. 期刊摘选 真题例句The hotel bust (不景气), like most busts, was preceded by a breathtaking boom. 出自-2013年6月阅读原文 The Constitutional principles that Washington alone has the power to "establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization" and that federal laws precede state laws are non-controversial. 2013年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ 英英释义Verb1. be earlier in time; go back further;"Stone tools precede bronze tools" 2. come before;"Most English adjectives precede the noun they modify" 3. be the predecessor of;"Bill preceded John in the long line of Susan's husbands" 4. move ahead (of others) in time or space5. furnish with a preface or introduction;"She always precedes her lectures with a joke" "He prefaced his lecture with a critical remark about the institution"
词根词缀前缀: pre- 表示"在……前的,预先" adj.prebuilt 预制的pre在……前的,预先+built建造的,build的过去式和过去分词→adj.预制的 precarious 危险的,不确定的pre在……前的,预先+car=care关心+ious……的→要预先关心的→冒险的 precise 精确的,精细的pre在……前的,预先+cise切→预先切好的→精确的 precocious 早熟的pre在……前的,预先+coc=coct煮+ious……的→提前煮熟→早熟的 preschool 学龄前的pre在……前的,预先+school学校→上学前的 prescient 有先见之明的pre在……前的,预先+sci知道+ent表形容词→预先知道 n.preamble 前言,绪言pre在……前的,预先+amble跑→跑在前面→前言 precaution 预防措施pre在……前的,预先+caution小心→预先小心→预防 precedent 先例pre在……前的,预先+ced走+ent人或物等→走在前面的东西→先例 precept 规范;格言pre在……前的,预先+cept拿→以前拿好的[名言]→格言 precinct 区域,范围pre在……前的,预先+cinct捆→预先捆好的→范围 precipice 峭壁pre在……前的,预先+cipice头→在前面是尽头→峭壁 precipitation 降落,仓促;降雨pre在……前的,预先+cipit头→ation→落在前头→降落,下降 predestination 预定, 预言pre在……前的,预先+destination目的地→预先定好的目的地→命中注定 predisposition 倾向,癖性pre在……前的,预先+disposition性情→性情预定→癖性 prefix 前缀pre在……前的,预先+fix固定→固定在前面→前缀 prehistory 史前pre在……前的,预先+history历史→n.史前 preoccupation 全神贯注pre在……前的,预先+occup占有+ation表名词→优先占有[注意力]→全神贯注 preposition 前置词,介词pre在……前的,预先+position位置→位置放在前面→前置词 prerogative 权利,特权pre在……前的,预先+rog要求+ative表名词→预先要求→[有]特权 v.precede [在时间上]先于,早于pre在……前的,预先+ced走+e→走在前面→[时间上]先于 preclude 妨碍;阻止pre在……前的,预先+clud关闭+e→提前关闭→阻止 predict 预言,预报pre在……前的,预先+dict说→预先说→预言 prefer [to]更喜欢,宁愿pre在……前的,预先+fer带来→先带来→更喜欢 prepay 预付pre在……前的,预先+pay付钱→v.预付
词根: ced =go,表示"行走,前进" adj.antecedent 先行的;以前的antecede[v.先行,先于]+ent……的→adj.先行的;以前的 unprecedented 前所未有的un无+precedent[n.先例;惯例]+ed……的→无先例的 n.precedent 先例;惯例precede[v.在先,优于]+ent→预先走的东西→先例 procedure 程序;手续pro在前+ced行走,前进+ure表名词→在前面走完的程序 v.accede 答应,同意ac+ced行走,前进+e→和别人走在一起→答应 antecede 先行,先于ante前+ced行走,前进+e→走在前面→先行 concede 承认;容许;[比赛结束前]认输;退让con共同+ced行走,前进+e→共同向后走一步→让步 intercede 调停;仲裁inter在……中间+ced行走,前进+e→在二者中间走→调解 precede 在先,优于pre预先+ced行走,前进+e→预先走→优走 recede 撤回;交还[领土]re后+ced行走,前进+e→向后走→撤退 retrocede 交还, 归还retro向后+ced走+e→往后走→把……归还 secede 脱离;退出se分开+ced行走,前进+e→分开走→脱离
同义词vt.处在前面;领先leadheadforeruncomefirst 其他释义antedateantecedeforerunleadhead 反义词vt.处在...之前;先于succeedfollow