释义 |
实用场景例句Governmental organizations are too pedantry, with slavish attention to rules. 不过英国得政府机构很迂腐,做事情一定要按照条例. 期刊摘选 Generation gap, conservation, reminiscence, pedantry and stubbornness all basically derive from that. 代沟, 保守, 怀旧, 迂腐顽固,基本都源于此. 期刊摘选 A pedantry scholar saw ask: " Where is your brother? " 一个迂腐的读书人见了问道: “ 你的兄弟都在哪里? ” 期刊摘选 As a bel esprit he despised pedantry whether in a man or in a bluestocking. 作为一个才子,他看不起卖弄学问的作风,不管这种作风是由男人还是女才子所表现出来的. 《现代英汉综合大词典》 The book is a demonstration of scholarship without pedantry. 这本书表现出学术水平又不故意卖弄学问. 《现代汉英综合大词典》 He had all the illumination of wisdom and none of its pedantry. 他具有智慧的一切光辉,却没有丝毫学究的迂腐气息. 辞典例句 Those people prefer naturalness and easiness. They are rational but not pedantry, generous but not extravagant. 他们崇尚自然舒适,理性却不近迂腐, 大气而不至奢靡. 期刊摘选 Do not be deceived by the pedantry of dates. 不要被欺骗的学究气的日期. 期刊摘选 Pedantry is the unseasonable ostentation of learning. “炫学者”,不合季节卖弄学问的人. 期刊摘选 His attitude savors of pedantry. 他的态度有卖弄学问的味道. 期刊摘选 英英释义Noun1. a ostentatious and inappropriate display of learning
词根词缀词根: ped 1. =foot,表示"足,脚"; 2. =child/education,表示"儿童"; 3. 引申为"教育" adj.expedient 有用的,有利的 ex出+ped足,脚+ient→能把脚跨出去→方便 expeditious 迅速的,敏捷的expedite[v.使加速,促进]+ious……的→adj.迅速的,敏捷的 pedestrian 徒步的,呆板的,通俗的ped足,脚+estrian……的人→用脚走路的人 n.biped 两足动物bi两+ped足,脚→n.两足动物 centipede 蜈蚣centi一百+ped足,脚+e→一百只脚的动物 expedient 紧急的办法,权宜之计ex出+ped足,脚+ient→能把脚跨出去→方便 expedition 远征[队],探险[队]expedite[v.使加速,促进]+ion→n.远征[队],探险[队] impediment 妨碍,阻碍物impedi=impede[v.妨碍]+ment物→n.妨碍,阻碍物 pedal 踏板 ped足,脚+al→n.踏板 v.踩踏板,骑自行车 pedestrian 步行者 ped足,脚+estrian……的人→用脚走路的人 podiatrist 足病医生pod=ped足,脚+iatrist专家→n.足病医生 quadruped 四足动物quadru四+ped足,脚→n.四足动物 pedagogy 教育学,教学法ped教育+agog引导+y→引导教学→教学法 pedant 迂腐之人,书呆子ped教育+ant人→受过教育的人→书呆子 pedantry 迂腐pedant[n.迂腐之人,书呆子]+ry状态,性质→n.迂腐 pediatrist 儿科医师ped儿童+istiatr专家,医生→n.儿科医师 pedology 儿科学ped儿童+ology学科→n.儿科学 v.expedite 使加速,促进ex出+ped足,脚+ite促成→把脚跨出去→加快 impede 妨碍im进入+ped足,脚+e→把脚放进去→妨碍 pedal 踩踏板,骑自行车ped足,脚+al→n.踏板 v.踩踏板,骑自行车