释义 |
perambulateGRE - 英?[p?'r?mbj?le?t]
- 美?[p??r?mbj??let]
词态变化- 第三人称单数:?perambulates;
- 过去式:?perambulated;
- 过去分词:?perambulated;
- 现在分词:?perambulating;
- 名词:?perambulation;
实用场景例句Selectmen are required by law to perambulate the bounds every five years. 法律规定行政委员每五年应巡查一遍边界. 互联网 Classics spot perambulate considers as the homicide that invades money sex together the case. 经现场勘查认为是一起侵财性的杀人案件. 互联网 英英释义Verb1. make an official inspection on foot of (the bounds of a property);"Selectmen are required by law to perambulate the bounds every five years" 2. walk with no particular goal;"we were walking around in the garden" "after breakfast, she walked about in the park"
词根词缀词根: ambul =walk,表示"行走,走路" adj.ambulant 走动的,流动的ambul行走,走路+ant……的→adj.走动的,流动的 n.ambulance 救护车,流动医院ambul行走,走路+ance物品→走的东西→救护车 n.&v.amble 漫步,缓行ambul怠鷑.&v.漫步,缓行 v.circumambulate 环行,绕……而行circum环绕+ambul行走,走路+ate做→绕着走 noctambulate 梦游,夜游noct夜+ambul行走,走路+ate表动词→夜间行走 perambulate 游历,巡游per全部+ambul行走,走路+ate表动词→到处走遍→游历 somnambulate 梦游,梦行somn睡+ambul行走,走路+ate表动词→睡着走→梦游