Poly ( vinyl alcohol ) has been protected against radiation by benzalation and benzoylation.
聚乙烯醇 的耐辐解可通地苄叉化和苯甲酰化提高.
Mixed bacteria could degrade poly ( vinyl alcohol ) ( PVA ) completely and produce extracellular PVA - degrading enzyme.
混合菌能完全降解 PVA,并产生胞外PVA降解酶.
Methods . The implants for partial disc replacements were made of poly ( vinyl alcohol ) hydrogel and rod - shaped.
方法:椎间盘部分置换的植入物由聚合水凝胶 ( 乙烯醇 ) 组成,并且被做成棒状的形态.
In this paper, the development and application of high molecular weight poly ( vinyl alcohol ) were reviewed.
摘要综述了高相对分子质量 聚乙烯醇 的发展及其用途.
Compared with support cross - linked poly ( vinyl alcohol ) , the DEA - PVT possessed very little non - specific adsorption for proteins.
与载体 交联聚乙烯 醇相比,DEA—PVT对蛋白质的非特异性吸附明显降低.
Poly ( L - lactide ) ( PLLA ) and poly ( vinyl alcohol ) ( PVA ) have been widely used as biomedical materials because of their good biocompatibility.
聚L - 乳酸 ( PLLA ) 及聚乙烯醇 ( PVA ) 由于其良好的生物相容性,在生物医学领域得到了广泛的关注.
The perspective application of high strength and high modulus poly ( vinyl alcohol ) was mentioned.
从聚合方法和引发方式两方面介绍了国内外合成高相对分子质量 聚乙烯醇 研究进展.
Poly vinyl alcohol ( PVA ) - based polyanion was prepared by esterification of PVA with sulfuric acid.
硫酸与聚乙烯醇 ( PVA ) 经酯化制备PVA聚阴离子电解质.