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实用场景例句It was remiss of them not to inform us of these changes sooner. 他们粗心大意,没有早一些通知我们这些变化。 牛津词典 She had clearly been remiss in her duty. 她在工作中显然马马虎虎。 牛津词典 I would be remiss if I did not do something about it. 如果我对此不做点儿什么,就是不负责任。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 No policeman ought to be remiss in his duties. 警员不应该玩忽职守. 辞典例句 The cause of the traffic accident is remiss of the driver. 这起车祸起因于驾驶疏忽. 期刊摘选 I have been remiss, and am terribly guilty AND apologetic. 我真的很久没有留言了, 我真的感到非常内疚也很抱歉. 期刊摘选 Last but not least , it would be remiss not to mention Rockets assistant coach Tom Thibodeau. 最后, 我们还必须说一下火箭队的助理教练希波杜,这一点也很重要. 期刊摘选 I've certainly been remiss about things. 我也真是,办事就是不周到. 辞典例句 I have been very remiss in writing to you. 我不曾写信给你,实在疏忽之至. 辞典例句 If I have been at all remiss, please accept my full apologies. 如有怠慢之处, 请多包涵. 期刊摘选 Malaysian authorities also failed to detect anything remiss when the cargo passed through Port Klang. 当这批货物通过巴生港口时,马来西亚当局也未能发现任何疏漏之处. 期刊摘选 You have been very remiss in fulfilling your obligations. 你一向太不负责了. 辞典例句 It was remiss of him to forget her birthday. 他竟忘了她的生日,实在是糊涂. 《简明英汉词典》 The owner of the stolen car was himself remiss. He left the keys the vehicle. 被盗汽车的主人自己也有责任, 他把车钥匙丢在车上了. 期刊摘选 It was remiss of me not to answer your letter. 没有给你回信,这是我的疏忽. 期刊摘选 I would be remiss if I did not do something about it. 如果我对此不做点儿什么,就是不负责任。 辞典例句 It was remiss of them not to inform us of these changes sooner. 他们粗心大意,没有早一些通知我们这些变化。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 英英释义Adjective1. failing in what duty requires;"derelict (or delinquent) in his duty" "neglectful of his duties" "remiss of you not to pay your bills"
词根词缀词根: miss =send/cast,表时"送,放出,派,错过" adj.emissive 发射的, 放射性的e出+miss送,放出+ive……的→送出去 missing 不见的, 缺少的miss[v.错过;想念]+ing表形容词→adj.不见的, 缺少的 remiss 疏忽的,不留心的re不+miss送,放出,派,错过→不送出去→怠慢的 permissive 过份纵容的per始终+miss送,放出,派,错过+ive……的→始终放出→纵容的 submissive 恭顺的sub在下面+miss放+ive表形容词→放下面→恭顺的 n.missionary 传教士mission[n.使命,任务;使团,代表团]+ary人→n.传教士 commission 委员会;委任,委托[书],代办;佣金,手续费com共同+miss送,放出,派,错过+ion表名词→共同送出[选出]的人→委员会 emission 散发;传播;发出物e出+miss送,放出+ion表名词→送出去 mission 使命,任务;使团,代表团miss派+ion表名词→派遣 remission 宽恕,赦免re再+miss送,放出+ion表名词→再次放过[别人]→宽恕 omission 遗漏,省略o出+miss送,放出+ion表名词→放出去→省略 permission 允许,同意per始终+miss送,放出,派,错过+ion表名词→始终放出→允许 transmission 播送,发射;传动,传送trans横+miss送,放出+ion表名词→横着送出去→播送 emissary 密使,特使e出+miss送,放出+ary人→送出去的人 submission 服从,恭顺sub下面+miss送,放出,派,错过+ion表名词→放下面→屈服 v.dismiss 解散;开除dis分开+miss送→分开送出→解散 miss 错过;想念miss放出,错过→错过;想念