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propelCET6/考研/GRE/TOEFL/IELTS 词态变化- 第三人称单数:?propels;
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实用场景例句mechanically propelled vehicles 机动车辆 牛津词典 He succeeded in propelling the ball across the line. 他成功地把球带过线。 牛津词典 He was grabbed from behind and propelled through the door. 有人从后面抓住他,把他推过门去。 牛津词典 Fury propelled her into action. 怒火驱使她行动起来。 牛津词典 The tiny rocket is attached to the spacecraft and is designed to propel it toward Mars. 小火箭捆绑在宇宙飞船上,用于推动飞船飞向火星。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 It was a shooting star that propelled me into astronomy in the first place... 最初是一颗流星促使我从事天文学。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 He is propelled by both guilt and the need to avenge his father. 他受到内疚感和为父报仇之心的双重驱使。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 They try to propel the watercrafts with paddles. 他们试着用桨推动船只. 期刊摘选 Repetitive tasks and no break will propel people to pay a hefty health price. 重复的任务和没有突破,必将推动人民要付出沉重的健康代价. 期刊摘选 They use oars to propel boats. 他们用浆推进船只. 辞典例句 How could teaching of architectural history and theories propel design activities and cultural development? 建筑历史与理论的教学如何成为促进设计思想活跃和文化发展的动力因素? 期刊摘选 To propel ( a watercraft ) with paddles or a paddle. 用浆划动用船桨推动 ( 船只 ) 期刊摘选 Therefore, it will propel or hinder their development in future. 这些特征将继续推动或制约这类殖民地形成的国家的未来发展. 期刊摘选 To propel ( a boat ) with a pole. 用篱撑 ( 船 ) 期刊摘选 We can accomplish humanism management through various means and propel enterprise's innovation forward. 可以通过多种途径实现企业内的人本管理,以此推动企业创新. 期刊摘选 It is our long - term central task to push forward the modernization drive and propel economic progress. 搞好现代化建设,推动经济发展,是我们 长期 的中心任务. 期刊摘选 Development finance can fund and work to propel system building. 开发性金融是我们以融资为载体,推进制度建设的途径. 期刊摘选 China's booming energy demand has helped propel world oil prices. 中国激增的能源需求帮助推高了全球油价. 期刊摘选 That's an event in which several powerful strokes propel the boat forward through choppy waters. 在这里几个强有力的船桨推动船在波涛汹涌的河流中前进. 期刊摘选 Their emotions can propel market trends or send them into reversals. 他们的情绪会推动市场趋势或让市场反转. 期刊摘选 Paddles are used especially to propel canoes and kayaks. 短桨特别用于划独木舟和小艇. 《简明英汉词典》 To give impetus to; propel. 给予推动力; 推动. 期刊摘选 As long as that's the case, this will continue to propel gold higher. 倘若如此, 这些因素都将继续推动金价走高. 期刊摘选 You will need some skills to propel you up that ladder of success. 你需要掌握一些促使自己往上爬升的技能. 期刊摘选 The constant writhing of the snakes can even propel the ball over rocks and tree roots. 他们持续的扭动可驱使球体越过岩石和树根. 期刊摘选 To propel something, especially a ball, in a high arc. 将(球)高击:将某物, 尤指球, 推入高弧线. 期刊摘选 We should energetically promote IT application and use IT to propel and accelerate industrialization. 大力推进信息化,用信息化带动工业化,加快工业化进程. 期刊摘选 真题例句Medical spending, which typically rises faster than wages and the overall economy, is propelled by two things: the high prices charged for medical services in this country and the volume of unnecessary care delivered by doctors and hospitals, which often perform a lot more tests and treatments than a patient really needs. 出自-2016年6月阅读原文 He also used ski poles in an unorthodox way—to propel himself as he skied. 2019年6月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section B 词根词缀词根: pel =drive/push,表示"驱动,推" adj.compelling 引起兴趣的,引人注目的;强制的, 强迫的compel[v.强迫,迫使]+ing表形容词→compelling强迫的→[某事或物]迫使其注意→引人注目的 n.propeller 螺旋桨,推进器propel[v.推进]+er表名词→propeller螺旋桨 v.compel 强迫,迫使com共同+pel驱动,推→一起推→强迫 dispel 驱除,消除dis分开+pel推→推开→驱除 expel 赶出,逐出ex出+pel推→推出去→逐出
前缀: pro- 1. 表示"赞同,亲…"; 2. 也有"代替"之意; 3. 表示"向前,在前;预先"; 4. 表示"很多…" adj.pro-american 亲美的pro赞同,亲…+American美国的, 美洲的→adj.亲美的 proslavery 赞成奴隶制的pro赞同,亲…+slavery奴隶制→adj.赞成奴隶制的 prodigious [数量等]巨大的pro=pro向前,在前;预先+ig=act做→做在前面,做得多→大量的 proficient 精通的;熟练的pro向前,在前;预先+fici做+ent……的→做在[别人] 前面→精通 prominent 显著的,杰出的pro向前,在前;预先+min小,伸+ent……的→向前伸出的小部分→杰出的 provident 顾及未来的,有远见的pro向前,在前;预先+vid看+ent……的→向前看的→有远见的 profligate 浪费的,挥霍的pro很多…+flig打出+ate……的→把钱不断的打出去→挥霍的 profuse 大量的,丰富的pro很多…+fuse流→流很多→大量的 prolific 多产的,多育的pro很多…+lif+ic……的→带来东西→多产的 prosperous 兴旺的,繁荣的pro很多…+sper希望+ous……的→希望很多→兴旺的 n.prolocutor 议长;代言人pro代替+louct说+or人→n. 议长;代言人 pronoun 代名词pro代替+noun名词→n.代名词 problem 问题, 难题pro向前+blem抛→抛出问题 proclivity 倾向性,癖性pro向前,在前;预先+cliv倾斜+ity表名词→向前倾斜 profile 侧面像;轮廓pro向前,在前;预先+fil线条+e→前面的线条 progress 进步pro向前,在前;预先+gress走→向前走 project 工程项目pro向前,在前;预先+ject扔→扔向前面→投射;引申为工程项目 prologue 前言,序言pro向前,在前;预先+logue说→在前面说→前言 prospect 景象,前景pro向前,在前;预先+spect看→向前看→前景 profit 利润,收益pro很多…+fit=fic做→做很多→做得好→利润 v.procure [费心]取得,获得pro向前,在前;预先+cure关心→关心在前→[想要]获得 profess 公开表明,坦白pro向前,在前;预先+fess说→在前面说坦白 project 投射出pro向前,在前;预先+ject扔→扔向前面→投射;引申为工程项目 prolong 拉长,延长,拖延pro向前,在前;预先+long长→向前拉长→延长 promote 促进;提升pro向前,在前;预先+mot动+e→向前动→促进 propel 推进pro向前,在前;预先+pel推→向前推 prosecute 检举;指控pro向前,在前;预先+secu追随+te→追随到[法院]前面→检举;指控 protrude 向前突出pro向前,在前;预先+trud推,突出+e→向前突出 provoke 激怒,刺激pro向前,在前;预先+vok喊+e→在[你]前面喊→激怒[你] procrastinate 拖延pro很多…+crastin明天+ate表动词→有许多明天明日复明日→拖延 procreate 生育pro很多…+create创造→创造很多→生儿育女 proliferate 繁殖,增殖pro很多…+lifer=fer带来+ate表动词→带来很多生命→繁殖
同义词辨析propel, push, shove, thrust这些动词均有"推,推动"之意。 propel: 侧重指靠外力把人或物稳定、持续地向前推进。push: 普通用词,指用突然的力量把人或物推向前进、推开或推到另一位置上。shove: 一般指猛或费力地推开或移动人或物。thrust: 常指迅猛地一推或突然有力地推进,侧重速度。
同义词vt.推进;驱使;刺激moveimpelstimulatemotivatepushshovedrive 其他释义thrusthastenprickimpeldrivemotivatepushstimulateforcemoveshove