RGD is composed of three amino acids, arginine ( Arg ), glycine ( Gly ) and aspartic acid ( Asp ).
RGD是 由精氨酸 ( Arg ) 、 甘氨酸 ( Gly ) 、天冬氨酸 ( Asp ) 三个氨基酸组成的序列肽, 是近几年来发现的具有生物活性的短肽序列之一.
Takintg L - Arginine, L - Glycine and L - Aspartate as a raw material, used DCC coupling method to synthesize Arg - Gly - Asp ( RGD ).
以L - 精氨酸 、 L - 甘氨酸、L - 天门氨酸为原料, 采用二环己基碳二亚胺(DCC)法合成了Arg-Gly-Asp ( RGD ).
Arg Gly Asp ( RGD ) is one of the oligopeptides with biological activity found in recent years.
精氨酰-甘氨酰-天冬氨酸 ( RGD ) 是具有生物活性的短肽序列之一.
Therefore, the characteristic tripeptide sequence Arg - Gly - Asp ( RGD ) has been attracting much attention of investigators.
因此, 关于这个特有的 RGD 三肽序列的研究吸引了许多的学者的关注.
RGD - containing peptides have been reported to inhibit tumor metastasis, tumor - induced angiogenesis and tumor - elicited platelet aggregations.
据报道,含有RGD的肽具有抑制肿瘤细胞粘附、抗癌细胞转移和 抗肿瘤 新血管生成等方面的功能.
Quantitative analysis of protein adsorption was done by Bradford method.
Bradford方法定量分析明胶、胶原和RGD多 肽的表面吸附量.