释义 |
词态变化- 第三人称单数:?repeals;
- 过去式:?repealed;
- 过去分词:?repealed;
- 现在分词:?repealing;
实用场景例句The government has just repealed the law segregating public facilities. 政府刚刚废止了不同种族分开使用公共设施的法令。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Harry has made out a strong case for the repeal of the Corn Laws. 哈里提出强有力的理由,赞成废除《玉米法案》. 期刊摘选 Some initiatives propose the repeal of existing state laws. 一些倡议建议废除现有的州法律. 期刊摘选 Pay: With your square for the income person's confirm of, can't repeal timeletter of credit pay. 支付: 以你方为收益人保兑的 、 不可撤消的即期信用证支付. 期刊摘选 Despite continued efforts to repeal this act, federal courts have upheld its major provisions. 尽管有人不断努力以图撤消这项法律, 联邦法院始终坚持执行这项法律中的主要条款. 英汉非文学 - 政府文件 There are moves in Congress to repeal or defer the EPA's power to regulate greenhouse gases. 国会也有关于废止抑或是服从环境保护机构管理温室气体权力的行动. 期刊摘选 We should not decide that children should not recite ancient classics due to its repeal. 经书承载着中国悠久的文化,传统的读经教育中蕴含着重要的教育方法. 期刊摘选 President Bush has included the repeal of the tax in his 1.6 trillion tax cut proposal. 布什总统1.6万亿美元的减税计划中包括废除遗产税. 期刊摘选 Says he would repeal the Defense of Marriage Act and voted against the Federal Marriage Amendment. 说他将废除婚姻保护法案,但曾投票反对联邦婚姻修正案. 期刊摘选 Abortion repeal is not a question of political expediency. it is part of something greater. 废除禁止人工流产法不是一个政治权宜之计的问题. 它是一个更大问题的一部分. 演讲部分 They wanted to repeal all the legislation that imposed economic controls. 他们想要取消所有的经济管制立法. 期刊摘选 But he has pledged to repeal many of the tax cuts enacted by President Bush. 但他又保证会废除布什总统颁布的减税法案. 期刊摘选 The bill seek to repeal the existing legislation. 该议案企图废除现存的有关立法. 期刊摘选 Mps are pressing for the repeal of the immigration act. 下院议员正在施加压力使移民法得以废止. 期刊摘选 Says he would repeal the ban that prevents the U.S. from negotiating with drug companies. 他说他将废止一项禁令,该禁令不允许美国与制药公司谈判. 期刊摘选 To enact, amend or repeal laws, examine and approve budgets, approve taxation and public expenditure etc. 制定 、 修改和废除法律, 审核、通过财政预算, 批准税收和公共开支等. 期刊摘选 He has made out a strong case for the repeal of the law. 他提出强有力的理由,赞成废除该法令. 期刊摘选 Turkish generals hold military power , arbitrary Bahu, arbitrary killings and even repeal legislation Khalifa. 突厥将领握有军权,专横跋扈, 任意废立甚至杀害哈里发. 期刊摘选 Many voted for the repeal of that property law. 许多人投票赞成废止那项财产法. 辞典例句 In 2008, more than 100 retired generals and admirals called for a DADT repeal. 2008年, 超过100名退役领导要求重新审视DADT两不政策. 期刊摘选 The Congress decided to repeal the law. 议会决定废除那项法令. 期刊摘选 The government was forced to repeal the old labor law and issue a new one. 政府被迫废除了旧的劳动法,并颁发新法. 期刊摘选 Perhaps, as with other challenged orthodoxies, there is a case for revision not repeal. 或许, 正如其它受到挑战的正统理论一样, 调整而不是废除这个理论是有理由的. 期刊摘选 The repeal of the Corn Laws by Great Britainin 1846 ended Britain standing policy protectionism. 1846暮年英国废止《谷物法》,停止了英国临时具有的商业掩护从义政策. 期刊摘选 Repeal supporters said the issue was about an unconstitutional law, not abortion or parental rights. 废除令的支持者说,此事针对的是违反宪法的法律, 而非堕胎权或父母知情权. 期刊摘选 Kill few, but on no account repeal the death penalty or grant any general pardon. 杀人要少, 但是决不废除死刑,决不大赦. 期刊摘选 He plans to repeal a number of current policies. 他计划废除一些当前的政策。 辞典例句 Next year will be the 60th anniversary of the repeal of Prohibition. 明年将是禁酒令废除60周年。 柯林斯例句 英英释义Noun1. the act of abrogating; an official or legal cancellation
词根词缀前缀: re- 1. 表示"回,向后,相反,不"; 2. 表示"一再,重新" adj.repugnant 令人厌恶的re回+pugn打+ant……的→[把人]打回去→[行为]令人厌恶的 resonant 回响的;洪亮的re回,向后,相反,不+son声音+ant……的→声音回过来→回响的 reverse 反转的,颠倒的re反+vers转+e→反转的 resplendent 辉煌的re一再,重新+splend光辉+ent……的→再光辉→辉煌的 n.renegade 叛教者,叛徒re回,向后,相反,不+neg否认+ade个人或集体→反过来否认原的[党]→背叛者 repeal 撤消;取消re回,向后,相反,不+peal驱动→反驱动→取消;参考:appeal呼吁 reprobate 道德败坏之人re不+prob正直+ate人→不正直→败坏 rest 其余,其他re向后+st站→立于后面者→其他的[人,物] recidivism 重新犯罪re一再,重新+cidiv掉下+ism行为,现象→再次掉入罪行 repose 休息;躺下re一再,重新+pose放→再放下[工作]→休息 resurgence 复兴,再起re一再,重新+surg升起,浪潮+ence表名词→重起浪潮→复兴 n.&v.reproach 责备,指责re回,向后,相反,不+proach接近→不接近→指责 revolt 反叛re反+volt转→反过转→反叛 v.recall 回忆,回想;撤消,收回re回+call喊;想→回想 reflect 回想;反射re回+flect弯曲→弯曲返回→反射 relinquish 不再采取行动,放弃re回,向后,相反,不+linqu离开+ish表动词→离开不再要→放弃 remove 移动,脱掉,调动,免职re回,向后,相反,不+mov运动,移动+e→移开,消除 repel 驱除,击退re回,向后,相反,不+pel推→击退 resent 忿恨,不满re反+sent感觉→反感→不满 resist 反抗,抵抗re反+sist站→反着站→反抗 retract 缩回;收回re回+tract拉→拉回,缩回 retreat 后退,撤退re回+treat→v.后退,撤退 rearrange 重新安排re一再,重新+arrange安排→v.重新安排 reassure 消除某人疑虑re一再,重新+assure确保→v.消除某人疑虑 recapitulate 重述;概括re一再,重新+capit头+ulate=ate表动词→重新把头拿出来→概括要点 reclaim 取回,回收re一再,重新+claim喊→喊回来→取回,引申为开垦荒地 recommend 赞扬;推荐re一再,重新+commend赞扬→一再赞扬 refurbish 刷新;擦亮re一再,重新+furbish装饰→再装饰→刷新 reincarnate 化生,转生re一再,重新+in入+carn肉+ate表动词→重新进入肉体→产生 reinstate 重新恢复职位re一再,重新+in入+state国家,权力→重新进入权力 reiterate 重申re一再,重新+iterate重说→反复重说 represent 描述,表示,象征;代表;阐明re一再+present出席的;上演→一再上演,出席的→象征;代表 reproduce 生殖;再现;繁殖;复制re一再,重新+produce生产,制造→v. 生殖;再现;繁殖;复制 reverberate 起回声,反响re一再,重新+verber震动+ate表动词→重新震动→起回声
同义词辨析abolish, cancel, repeal这些动词均含"取消,废除"之意 abolish:正式用词,指彻底废除某种制度、规章或习俗。cancel:用法广泛,多指取消债务、合同、证书、比赛、旅行、计划或约会等。repeal书面用词,指撤销立法机关通过的协议、法案或法律等。
同义词vt.撤销rescindoverrulecancelrevokeannultakerecallinvalidatebackabolishwithdraw 其他释义rescindrecallbackoverruleretractcancelabolishtakewithdrawrevokeinvalidateannul