释义 |
repugnantGRE - 英?[r??p?gn?nt]
- 美?[r??p?ɡn?nt]
实用场景例句We found his suggestion absolutely repugnant. 我们觉得他的建议绝对不得人心。 牛津词典 The idea of eating meat was repugnant to her. 一想到吃肉她就想吐。 牛津词典 The odour of vitamin in skin is repugnant to insects... 昆虫很讨厌皮肤内维生素的气味。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 The Committee said his actions were improper and repugnant. 委员会称他行为失当,令人反感。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Some people eat foods that are repugnant to theirs. 有些人喜欢吃使自己恶心的食物. 期刊摘选 This idea repugnant than it was only a month ago. 这一观点在一个月前还没有如此令人生畏. 期刊摘选 Because I am most repugnant am not filial piety the elder the human! 因为我最讨厌不孝敬长辈的人 啦 ! 期刊摘选 It is repugnant to me even to speak to him. 我甚至连和他说话都感到讨厌. 辞典例句 The idea of accepting a bribe was repugnant to me. 我一想到受贿这种事就非常反感. 辞典例句 He is repugnant to me. 我很讨厌他. 《简明英汉词典》 He saw that which it was repugnant to him to behold. 他见到了他所不愿见到的事. 期刊摘选 Study of Heathcliff and Catherine evening, the germination of love, but he Xindelei very repugnant. 希斯克利夫与凯瑟琳朝夕相处, 萌发了爱情, 但辛德雷十分憎恶他. 期刊摘选 The resistivity varied with temperature because the expansion coefficient of asphalt and graphite are repugnant. 由于沥青与石墨的膨胀系数不一致,导致其电阻率随温度变化而发生变化. 期刊摘选 The idea was repugnant to him. 他讨厌这种胡思乱想. 辞典例句 He had never run across such a repugnant creature. 他从没有见过如此不合谐的怪物. 期刊摘选 All food was repugnant to me during my illness. 生病时所有的食物都使我感到厌恶. 《现代英汉综合大词典》 The repugnant use knows attains without effort. 讨厌利用知道不劳而获. 期刊摘选 Work under repugnant prescription and order. 在彼此不一致的指示和命令下工作. 期刊摘选 The mere idea of stealing had been repugnant. 光是偷盗这种想法就很令人反感. 辞典例句 Some people eat foods are repugnant to others. 有些人讨厌的食物有些人却爱吃. 期刊摘选 Darwinism is naturally repugnant to leftwing thought. 达尔文主义同左翼思想自然是格格不入的. 辞典例句 I cannot do it in that way. It is repugnant to me. 我不能干这种事儿. 这和我的性格为人是不一致的. 辞典例句 I really good want to let oneself do very well, my and more repugnant before own. 我真的好想让自己做的很好, 我越来越讨厌以前的自己. 期刊摘选 M : Not as we know them , as desirable or repugnant. 有悲有喜,但不似咱们习性中的爱憎取舍. 期刊摘选 He had never encountered such a repugnant creature in all his life. 他从没见到这样令人厌恶的怪物. 期刊摘选 The whole Nazi system is repugnant to the American people. 整个纳粹体制令我们厌恶. 期刊摘选 Perhaps this is ascends the sky a joke which opens with me, a repugnant joke. 或许这是上天和我开的一个玩笑吧, 一个讨厌的玩笑. 期刊摘选 I find his racist views totally repugnant. 我十分厌恶他的种族主义观点. 期刊摘选 His position is extremely repugnant to wing Democrats. 他的这种姿态,在左翼民主党人中引起很大反感. 期刊摘选 History is filled with examples of governments sanctioning acts, laws, or policies which are morally repugnant. 政府制定在道德上不得人心的条例 、 法律或者政策的例子在历史上比比皆是. 哲学部分 英英释义Adjective1. offensive to the mind;"an abhorrent deed" "the obscene massacre at Wounded Knee" "morally repugnant customs" "repulsive behavior" "the most repulsive character in recent novels"
词根词缀前缀: re- 1. 表示"回,向后,相反,不"; 2. 表示"一再,重新" adj.repugnant 令人厌恶的re回+pugn打+ant……的→[把人]打回去→[行为]令人厌恶的 resonant 回响的;洪亮的re回,向后,相反,不+son声音+ant……的→声音回过来→回响的 reverse 反转的,颠倒的re反+vers转+e→反转的 resplendent 辉煌的re一再,重新+splend光辉+ent……的→再光辉→辉煌的 n.renegade 叛教者,叛徒re回,向后,相反,不+neg否认+ade个人或集体→反过来否认原的[党]→背叛者 repeal 撤消;取消re回,向后,相反,不+peal驱动→反驱动→取消;参考:appeal呼吁 reprobate 道德败坏之人re不+prob正直+ate人→不正直→败坏 rest 其余,其他re向后+st站→立于后面者→其他的[人,物] recidivism 重新犯罪re一再,重新+cidiv掉下+ism行为,现象→再次掉入罪行 repose 休息;躺下re一再,重新+pose放→再放下[工作]→休息 resurgence 复兴,再起re一再,重新+surg升起,浪潮+ence表名词→重起浪潮→复兴 n.&v.reproach 责备,指责re回,向后,相反,不+proach接近→不接近→指责 revolt 反叛re反+volt转→反过转→反叛 v.recall 回忆,回想;撤消,收回re回+call喊;想→回想 reflect 回想;反射re回+flect弯曲→弯曲返回→反射 relinquish 不再采取行动,放弃re回,向后,相反,不+linqu离开+ish表动词→离开不再要→放弃 remove 移动,脱掉,调动,免职re回,向后,相反,不+mov运动,移动+e→移开,消除 repel 驱除,击退re回,向后,相反,不+pel推→击退 resent 忿恨,不满re反+sent感觉→反感→不满 resist 反抗,抵抗re反+sist站→反着站→反抗 retract 缩回;收回re回+tract拉→拉回,缩回 retreat 后退,撤退re回+treat→v.后退,撤退 rearrange 重新安排re一再,重新+arrange安排→v.重新安排 reassure 消除某人疑虑re一再,重新+assure确保→v.消除某人疑虑 recapitulate 重述;概括re一再,重新+capit头+ulate=ate表动词→重新把头拿出来→概括要点 reclaim 取回,回收re一再,重新+claim喊→喊回来→取回,引申为开垦荒地 recommend 赞扬;推荐re一再,重新+commend赞扬→一再赞扬 refurbish 刷新;擦亮re一再,重新+furbish装饰→再装饰→刷新 reincarnate 化生,转生re一再,重新+in入+carn肉+ate表动词→重新进入肉体→产生 reinstate 重新恢复职位re一再,重新+in入+state国家,权力→重新进入权力 reiterate 重申re一再,重新+iterate重说→反复重说 represent 描述,表示,象征;代表;阐明re一再+present出席的;上演→一再上演,出席的→象征;代表 reproduce 生殖;再现;繁殖;复制re一再,重新+produce生产,制造→v. 生殖;再现;繁殖;复制 reverberate 起回声,反响re一再,重新+verber震动+ate表动词→重新震动→起回声
词根: pugn =fight,表示"打斗" adj.expugnable 可突击的,可攻克的ex出+pugn打斗+able能……的→能打出去的→可突击的 pugnacious 好斗的pugn打斗+acious多……的→多打斗的 repugnant 令人厌恶的;不一致的re回+pugn打+ant……的→[把人]打回去→[行为]令人厌恶的 n.repugnance 嫌恶,反感;不一致re回+pugn打+ance表名词→[把人]打回去→[行为]令人厌恶 v.impugn 指责,对…表示怀疑im进入+pugn打斗→打进去→抨击