With the advance of serum thyrotropin ( TSH ) radio - immunoassay, subclinical hypothyroidism is diagnosed more and more frequently.
随着TSH放免技术的发展, 亚临床甲减的诊断率越来越高.
Method: The levels of serum reproductive hormone ( including T 、 E 2、 LH and FSH ) were detected with Radio immunoassay ( RIA ).
方法: 采用体外放射免疫分析法测定患者血清生殖激素 ( T、E2、LH、 FSH ) 水平.
The levels of ACTH and Cortisol in four groups were measured by radio - immunoassay method.
应用放射免疫法,测定上述四组儿童的促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH) 和皮质醇(Cortisol)水平,以评估垂体 - 肾上腺轴功能状态.